What did you do in the Apiary today?

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No activity in the apiary for me today but I did have a visit from an environmental health inspector. A bit nervous beforehand but she was very sensible, offered advice and suggestions. Seemed pretty unconcerned about potential risks.

Got a 5* rating so very happy. Oxalic vape on my hives tomorrow.

Had waited over a month for my 220 volt passive vaporiser from Russia via eBay which arrived today.

First vaping in the garden apiary went well, I have all the PPE but it seemed like a bit of excess caution, as hardly a bit of “gass” escaped the hive....the YouTubes of the active vaporizers seems to show them throwing out clouds of the stuff and I can see why you would certainly need it for that type of vaping.

Plan to vape again in five days, will reserve judgement on my own need for the PPE until after another go or two.
Topped up the feeders on 90 mini nucs yesterday, could see that some of them now have frames of brood.
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Vaped hives for second time.

Those who I had used a Varrox-type device on in the late summer are dropping very few mites. The two hives that I was unable to vape effectively then have dropped a lot more mites, perhaps 20 or 30 over the week. “A week!” I hear you shout - we’ll, boards went in post Bap, then I got man-flu and then had to work.

Looks like we have some near-freezing temps approaching next week, would you hold off until it is warmer or vape even though a tight cluster might make it less effective?

Had waited over a month for my 220 volt passive vaporiser from Russia via eBay which arrived today.

First vaping in the garden apiary went well, I have all the PPE but it seemed like a bit of excess caution, as hardly a bit of “gass” escaped the hive....the YouTubes of the active vaporizers seems to show them throwing out clouds of the stuff and I can see why you would certainly need it for that type of vaping.

Plan to vape again in five days, will reserve judgement on my own need for the PPE until after another go or two.

Very much OTT, I find very little escapes the hives and what does ain't worth talking about. If I was in a confined space or huge clouds of the stuff were in the air then fair enough but a disposable P3 mask is adequate enough.
I think some people have even shaved their beards off, I'll give that a miss too.
Be good to make clear to others that you are both talking about passive vaporisers....the slow pan type ones which give you plenty of time to move away should any vapour escape.
With the active ones, like a sublimox or Johns little GasVap you NEED masks and protection.
To suggest otherwise is foolhardy in the extreme.
Each to their own. No escape when using the GAS-VAP either and yes I do have PPE, whether it's essential or overkill depends how you work I suppose or how well the hives are sealed. To be honest, I was quite surprised, the little caps came off and the chamber was empty, no clouds of OAV. Using it was a doddle, insert spout, fit cap and tip upright. Tiny trickle of OAV on removal.
Aye, that when it all works well...it's when it goes tits up you need the PPE...and trust me at some stage it will....
Your lungs, wear what you wish...but I think it's rather silly to advocate vaping without using safety gear when using a pressurised system.
~~~But hey it's only little old me and you will never agree with anything I say.
Hefted all hives. Wooden ones all good and heavy. The two polys which i do not like were really light. Gave fondant. All went into winter equal.
Checked three colonies and one nuc for fondant levels...the nuc and single brood box colony had not touched the fondant..two brood + half colonies had gone through around 1.5kg since i put it on the top bars for them a couple of weeks back so the insurance feeding has paid off.. i replaced what they had left with another 2kg of the sticky stuff...i'm over the moon that my weakest colony is still hanging on in there..from my last check on fondant levels i was expecting them dead by now but they seem to be doing well and fairly active in the polyhive they are in as are all the other colonies in poly..the only colony that was clustered was in the Poly Nuc..i also checked the inspection trays and all had varroa in small single numbers and brood capping's in localized areas..
That is me happy for now..
Further rounds of the out apiaries - First visit to castle bees since October - all fine, still nice and heavy and all the bees look good.
Called in at Jo Mc Gann's place on the way back, same, all bees still with plenty of stores although a few were getting a bit light. Decided to move the nuc there back home so it will be easier to monitor and it still weighs a load, no need for fondant for quite a while yet.
Asked if it would be possible if I could move the bees from their present position as they have plans to build another poly tunnel. The new site offered is level hard standing in it's own enclosure, well sheltered and South facing over the valley,comes with a large building to store any spare kit - it's also next to the farm track and I can reverse the truck to within yards of the hives.the whole area will be cleared ready on my say so.
I thought about it for a while......and said yes :D
Further rounds of the out apiaries - First visit to castle bees since October - all fine, still nice and heavy and all the bees look good.
Called in at Jo Mc Gann's place on the way back, same, all bees still with plenty of stores although a few were getting a bit light. Decided to move the nuc there back home so it will be easier to monitor and it still weighs a load, no need for fondant for quite a while yet.
Asked if it would be possible if I could move the bees from their present position as they have plans to build another poly tunnel. The new site offered is level hard standing in it's own enclosure, well sheltered and South facing over the valley,comes with a large building to store any spare kit - it's also next to the farm track and I can reverse the truck to within yards of the hives.the whole area will be cleared ready on my say so.
I thought about it for a while......and said yes :D

If Carlsberg made out apiaries......
We had light snow and low day plus temp 1-3C. The bees are purring.. Soon will have to make few batches of fondants for distribution in February.. No need to hurry.. " we are carnies" :coolgleamA:

The prices and demand for real honey are so low.. quite demoralizing.. Each year I could get all the black locust and 4 time increase with ease colony number but the prices for everything of the bees.. are like someone spit You in the face..