what extractors are you using

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Field Bee
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Jul 31, 2011
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Hi Guys, my old second hand extractor has finally given up on me, and its time to splash the cash and invest in a brand spanking new one, the only trouble is which one to buy, i want an electric one that is capable of taking ten frames at a time plus Brood frames on the odd occasion, so my question is what type are you all using and where did you get them from, i would like as much information i can get before i make my decision to part with my cash Many thanks Chris
12 frame Giordan radial - drill driven. nicely made bit of kit.

takes LS and Dadant super frames, LS Brood and, with cages, LS jumbo/Dadant brood tangentially.

Bought mine direct but contact clive at agri-nova and see what he can do for you wrt what you want/need.
9 frame electric from m a i s e m o o r e in a sale about £200 off. They have a sale in October. It also takes brood frames.
Thornes 9 frame stainless. electric It's brill.
8 frame drill-driven from giordan. clive @ agrinova is the UK agent. about £400
Lega electric, well made at a reasonable price, from our friend in M******e Gloucestershire, backed up with parts if needed
9 frame electric extractor-expensive but extraction much better!
I reckon over the years will repay with the extra honey I get out. - too feeble to do manual :svengo:.... and I do let local beekeepers come and use it- as long as left in pristine condition;)
Second hand (1 previous use apparently) Th0rnes lightweight 9 frame electric - comes apart easily for cleaning and storage - brilliant.

8 Frame Giordan, drill driven, stainless. Best value for money last year.
Service from Clive at Agri Nova was brilliant.
I believe he can meet most requirements.
Lega electric 15 frame (Radial), but comes with cages for tangential.

I am using M. Abeille's old manual one and it is working very well thus far for the number of frames I have to empty.
Forgot to add - also now have a 12 frame nearly new Tho*nes manual SS one for use with my smaller, national based concern (sadly not used this season).
4 frame electric SS radial from park beekeeping.
pleased with results but unfortunately wont take brood frames!
And expensive

Yes, but extracting honey is no fun and cranking a manual extractor is hard work. Mind you, removing cappings is a pain as well, so I may get an uncapping machine next year.
Giordan drill driven eight frame. I use an uncapping fork.....I find it strangely therapeutic bee-smillie bee-smillie.....I have extracted only two and a half supers though this year :)