Town & Country?

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Queen Bee
Apr 4, 2011
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Am I prejudiced, what are your views?

You see them on TV wanting to cash in their £1M flat just 5 mins walk from everything the city has to offer.

They want all the quirky benefits of the countryside but nothing of the Inconvenient nuisances ;

Church bells
Un-lit/un-gritted roads
Noise of farm machinery
3MBS Internet

Then you actually get the ones who can suffer the shock of being more than 15 min from Waitrose, (5 mins in the Range Rover) moving in!

They start campaigning for "improvements".

They want;

Street lighting,
Children's playground & 20 min Bus service for Cressida & Tarquin,
Dog poo bins every 100 yards along the local footpaths,
Eradication of "those stinging nettle things" in the corner of the churchyard,
Double yellow lines through the village. . . .:banghead:

I like it where I am and wouldn't change it or see it changed.

If you're new to the rural life and want to see change then P!55 off back to the Town and plant some trees there!

What's everyone's view on this?
People what a comfortable live, can't see a problem.
Perhaps townies wanting to move to the rural idl should have to take a test:

ie pictures of sheep... at least 5 types
Similarly cows and chickens and perhaps geese and ducks
Know the difference between a '52 and 54 Furgie
Identify by sounds made the difference of all of the above
Identify at least four countryside aromas... Fox... silage... overflowing cesspit and dunnage.

Identify the difference between a rat and a mouse
and how about gun sounds by caliber.

Our Townie neighbor has had nice artificial turf fitted to their front garden!

Yeghes da
You get good and bad of both folk. Can't assume all incomers will fall in to the moaning category.
Perhaps townies wanting to move to the rural idl should have to take a test:
Yeghes da

Little knowledge on Vermin might be nice,
Being able to tell the difference between a Rat & a Field Mouse might be a good start along with the following facts;
  • Grey Squirrels are NOT Cute,
  • Dogs should be kept on leads,
  • Church Bells are intended to be heard over some considerable distance!
  • If someone has left a gate open between two fields, it is probably for good reason. If a roadside gate to a field (with livestock still in it) is open then, some idiot has forgotten to close it properly!
  • Since @ 1930 all cars are fitted with 4 wheel braking, hence 4wheel drives do not stop any quicker than other cars in snow!
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Next thing they will be complaining about mud on their Range Rovers tyres

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Am I prejudiced, what are your views?

Street lighting, - buy a torch
Children's playground - its called the woods and ponds
Dog poo bins every 100 yards along the local footpaths, - no dogs unless they are working
Eradication of "those stinging nettle things" in the corner of the churchyard, - buy a brushcutter and volunteer to help tend graveyard
Double yellow lines through the village. . - Ok if except Landrovers pre-1976

see bold above
Am I prejudiced, what are your views?

You see them on TV wanting to cash in their £1M flat just 5 mins walk from everything the city has to offer.

They want all the quirky benefits of the countryside but nothing of the Inconvenient nuisances ;

Church bells
Un-lit/un-gritted roads
Noise of farm machinery
3MBS Internet

Then you actually get the ones who can suffer the shock of being more than 15 min from Waitrose, (5 mins in the Range Rover) moving in!

They start campaigning for "improvements".

They want;

Street lighting,
Children's playground & 20 min Bus service for Cressida & Tarquin,
Dog poo bins every 100 yards along the local footpaths,
Eradication of "those stinging nettle things" in the corner of the churchyard,
Double yellow lines through the village. . . .:banghead:

I like it where I am and wouldn't change it or see it changed.

If you're new to the rural life and want to see change then P!55 off back to the Town and plant some trees there!

What's everyone's view on this?
I'm with you - the majority of them are fine, but you get the odd one - just down here from the smoke to get a cheap property after selling their stupidly priced flat in London then demand everything is changed to suit them - if you want to 'be comfortable' at the expense of everyone else in the area, then b***er off back to where you came from.

Little knowledge on Vermin might be nice,
Being able to tell the difference between a Rat & a Field Mouse might be a good start along with the following facts;
  • Grey Squirrels are NOT Cute,
and stop feeding the foxes!!
I'm a townie who lives in a semi rural area. Since childhood I have visited relatives on Dartmoor who have experience of these townies. As I grew up I was afraid of the dark, this heightened my sense of hearing. There is nothing I like better than listening to all the wildlife and farm sounds which I find peaceful. I now walk around in the dark without any fear.
On another viewpoint, in Perth Australia they tried turning the lights out in the town centre, this created more criminal activity.
A few years ago the SAS were on an exercise going across fields but were caught out by neighbourhood watch, bet if there had been Street lighting they wouldn't have been discovered.
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In short. Yes, you are prejudiced

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The best or worst example i have seen to date is a family of anti hunt veggies moving to one of the biggest shooting estates in the country, and then buying the shooting rights for the surrounding fields to stop the pheasant and partridge shoot, that did not work and the keeper made it his point to send the beaters straight through the rented land, they have also twisted about the yearly rook shoot which got stopped this year and now we are over run by them, i think next June the rook shoot will happen regardless, it is just another fine example of numpties not knowing how the countryside works and is managed.
I think it's sheer arrogance/ignorance to move into a community and expect all of them to change to suit you.

If you live somewhere you have the right to ask your elected representatives for local improvements, that's how democracy works.
So you think demanding the church bells be silenced, cattle movements be banned from roads, no muck spreading, no machinery noises apart from between 0900 and 1700 and no agricultural machinery on the roads is reasonable?
Spoken like a true townie
So you think demanding the church bells be silenced, cattle movements be banned from roads, no muck spreading, no machinery noises apart from between 0900 and 1700 and no agricultural machinery on the roads is reasonable?
Spoken like a true townie

So you think they shouldn't be able to demand it - what do you have against democracy?
You do live in your own selfish littlebubble up there in the smoke don't you? making unreasonable and selfish demands has nothing to do with democracy.
I suppose you're the kind of person who would buy a house next to an airport and then demand that planes stop landing and taking off there?
So you think demanding the church bells be silenced, cattle movements be banned from roads, no muck spreading, no machinery noises apart from between 0900 and 1700 and no agricultural machinery on the roads is reasonable?
Spoken like a true townie

I moved from London, to rural North Wales and I am quite happy with Church bells, muck spreading, machinery noise, tractors on the road, sheep jams etc etc

Beats gangs of youths on the streets, neighbours pumping out the drum and bass or the constant hum of urban traffic
You do live in your own selfish littlebubble up there in the smoke don't you? making unreasonable and selfish demands has nothing to do with democracy.

It has everything to do with democracy, if you pay taxes you have every right to ask those who tax you to make improvements to your life - that's the way the system works.

I guess you think anyone not 'born around here' should sit on the back of the bus.
It has everything to do with democracy, if you pay taxes you have every right to ask those who tax you to make improvements to your life - that's the way the system works.

I agree, and the improvement I would ask is that all townies are kept confined to the towns and not allowed to escape out into the countryside.:icon_204-2::judge::yeahthat:

They have been so used to being kept in captivity that it is cruel to release them into the wild.
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