Pink Fondant?

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House Bee
May 8, 2012
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Hi All,

quick question, we have been offered pink fondant, could this be harmful for the bees or does it make no difference?
The m&m sugar in france made blue honey so maybe it'll make pink?
Hi All,

quick question, we have been offered pink fondant, could this be harmful for the bees or does it make no difference?

Why would you feed your bees with something you dont know whats in it?
Spoke to a chap last night who had a huge fondant covered cake for his 70th birthday a few weeks back. He said it was too sweet for him so he peeled it all off, rolled it up and stuck it just outside his hives and the bees went mad on it.
I cringed when I thought of encouraging robbing and wasps but didnt say anything as he has been keeping bees for over 40years. I didnt ask the colour but it doesnt seem to have done no harm although if it was just white bakers fondant then I guess it wouldnt
Pete D
Dont touch the stuff with a bargepole.

The key for bee feeding is purity and freedom from contaminants. This pink stuff will have had food colouring at the very least added to it and perhaps also flavouring.

Even free is not cheap if you even lose one or two seams of bees because of it.....

Have been offered coloured and flavoured fondants before, basically FOC. Have never decided to take it up. Only time I tried something not normally recommended was a tank of golden syrup.............but that was dealt with on another thread.
Well, that was my though as well, that they must have add something to get the color and that might be harmful. I just wanted to confirm with some more experienced people. I will tell them to leave it....

Thank you very much !
Wold not risk it as you dont know if the food colouring would upset the bees. I would leave alone or give it to wife to make cakes.
Nobody has actually tried it so you are still no wiser, really. We are presuming possible health risks but it could turn out to be a wonder feed. Obviously best to err on the side of caution but bees ingest a variety of substances .......
Its. more than likely to be fine but for £15 for 12.5kg of white fomdant why take the risk.
:party-smiley-050::party:If you see how some kids go hyper on food colourings, just emagine a hive of bees like that.:ohthedrama:
Bako now do a bee fondant im going to use that this year.
Bako now do a bee fondant im going to use that this year.

As far as I am aware they are not making it but acting as selling agents for Ragus Bee Candy, a product of 40 and 50 years ago.

It lost most of its market a long time ago due to being too expensive and fondant being equal or better. We used to use it back in the 60's and early 70's, and if we were solid feeding today we would not go back to it.
Bako now do a bee fondant im going to use that this year.
Why - is itjust because it's got 'bee' in the name?

As far as I am aware they are not making it but acting as selling agents for Ragus Bee Candy

Had a meet with the Bako rep last week - they can now supply 'bee candy' or ready mix sugar syrup by Ragus (I bough half a ton of white fondant by Bako regardless) the ragus stuff is around £16.85 for 10 kilos compared to fondant at £12.03 for 12.5 kilos - for (in each case) a block of semi crystaline sugar product it's a no brainer really!
Murray is this stuff not better than bakers fondant? There may well be better fondants around but I cant get it at a reasonable price.

Jenkinsbrynmair I would be having another meet if your buying half a ton as I can get the fonda bee cheaper. I was quoted 16.12 for one and 14.65 for 8 12.5kg boxes if your buying half a ton I would want it cheaper than that.
I can get the fonda bee cheaper.

So how much can you get it for, half a ton?

The Bako price is currently £11.75 for 12.5kg,with a further 2% discount for quick payment,larger orders, more discount. Plus free delivery for any quantity.

I have heard BFP wholsale may be a bit cheaper at the moment,but not checked it out.
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For eight boxes which is 100kg I was quoted £14.65 per box if jenkinsbrynmair is buying half a ton he should be able to get it cheaper than the £16.85 he was quoted. I didnt ask how much half a ton was as I dont need that much so why would I ask. And was told they only deliver to business premises for order over £50.
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yes it is. But that is for normal bakers fondant. What I am trying to say is for an order of half a ton of fondabee he was quoted a more expensive price than I can buy a single box for. Shirley if he is buying half a ton he can get a better price than that.
I was informed by Bako today they now sell a bee fondant called fondabee in 12.5 kg boxes after the above conversation I had a look through Bakos web page and found the also sell a " T/O Bee Candy 4 x 2.5kg 10"
Has the above conversation got crossed wires ?

Murray is Fondabee made by Regus ? I was under the impression it was manufactured by Belgosuc or are they the same company?

Jenkinsbrynmair was you quote for Fondabee of T/O bee candy?
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