Almost ready to start my bee keeping experience

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New Bee
Feb 2, 2024
Reaction score
Horden, Co. Durham
Number of Hives
Hi all,
brand new to bee keeping. Have been thinking of keeping bees for several years but have not really had anywhere to keep them. I have eventually managed to get myself an allotment, all be it in a right state of repair. However after several months of hard work and countless hours I now find myself ready to think about getting some bees. I have done a day's bee keeping experience and have someone nearby who has kept bees for several years to give a bit of knowledge and advice. Looking forward to eventually getting started.

We wish you well in your beekeeping journey - always lots of people on here to help when the bees don't behave like the books tell you they should. A one day course is just a taster - join your local beekeeping association - the beginners courses run by associations are usually more informative and will get you started. The Haynes Manual of Beekeeping will help you through your first year with the bees and a knowledgeable mentor is also good.

A word of caution - allotment societies often require you to have the Basic Beekeepers Qualification before they will allow you to keep bees there and you will certainly need insurance which, if you join your local BBKA association you will get through the BBKA. Allotments can be a risky site to keep bees - if someone gets stung by anything from a wasp to a horsefly they will claim it was your bees and it's almost certain that someone will claim to be allergic to bee stings ... the 'commitee' or allotment manager may not be that sympathetic if there are complaints ... you will need six foot screens around the bees to get them up in the air or they may be a nuisance and some colonies can be a bite feisty. Not trying to put you off but you need to look for a second site where you can relocate to when and if you get problems on the allotments.

Good luck, stick around - always lots to read on here to keep you interested.
Hi, thaks for the advice. Have already read all sorts of information about bees and purchased the Haynes manual. I have made quite a good set up for my future hives with six foot high netting screens all round. I have been shadowing another bee keeper who keeps bees on the allotment site so do have a little experience and someone to give a little advice. The allotment society are keen for people to keep bee as are the surrounding allotment holders.