What did you do in the Apiary today?

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I fed all 6 farm hives. No need for smoker as they were no trouble 3 days ago methinks. They have feeding containers placed directly on top bars. First three were fine. Fourth colony got really angry and I got two stings through my suit. This riled up the other two hives that I opened subsequently.

I really thought I had finished being stung for this year.

Today it's off to farm foods for yet more sugar. Then need to vape and feed the six home hives.
Thymol syrup on all hives however I really don't know how on earth they are going to store it in the hive as the BB's feel like they are glued to the floors.
Bees are still bringing in Balsam and ivy, you would swear it was May judging by the activity.
Fed all my hives with thymolated syrup today.Bees seem to be bringing in more now than they have all year.
With all of this talk about thymol in syrup, anyone would think there was a huge problem. Surely, I can't be the only one not treating?

Thymol is beneficial, adding it to autumn syrup serves several purposes, but I doubt that you would be the only one in the UK/ world, not using it.
I lost two hives to nosema a few years ago, a biggy when I only had three so I started using it then and haven't lost one since. It costs buttons to make.

only down side is it stinks when you make the thymol mixture
I lost two hives to nosema a few years ago, a biggy when I only had three

I quite agree. If you have a problem, by all means medicate them. My point was that I see lots of comments about people medicating their bees but I don't see anyone saying they'd tested them first.
I quite agree. If you have a problem, by all means medicate them.

I have a problem with contact feeders going mouldy, thymol stops that, and it also stops any late fed and uncapped stores from fermenting.
Prevention is better than cure

Is it now?
Wouldn't you rather know if your bees had a problem before you started medicating them? Where does it end? If I went to the doctors, would I expect antibiotics or some other medication just incase I needed it?
I have a problem with contact feeders going mouldy, thymol stops that, and it also stops any late fed and uncapped stores from fermenting.

If your bees just came back from the heather a couple of weeks ago, I can understand why you're still feeding them now. However, some people are saying they have nectar / pollen still coming in and they're feeding thymolised syrup. Why?
I suspect a lot of people are just following what other people say they're doing without knowing why they're doing it (and not testing for conditions before medicating for them).
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This is the only medication they've had all year.Yes they are still bringing in pollen but as always the weather can change overnight and they will need the feed for winter.Bees are not stupid if they didn't need the syrup they wouldn't take it.It amazes me how many people find fault with what others do that is different from their own method and if the bees die from starvation are the first to point the finger.
If your bees just came back from the heather a couple of weeks ago, I can understand why you're still feeding them now. However, some people are saying they have nectar / pollen still coming in and they're feeding thymolised syrup. Why?
I suspect a lot of people are just following what other people say they're doing without knowing why they're doing it (and not testing for conditions before medicating for them).

Lots of pollen coming in, virtually no nectar.. So I feed..No way will my hives replace 20KG of honey removed - with another 20KG in September..even in a good summer.
B+.;560705 If I went to the doctors said:
Don't you ever boost your vitamin c intake over winter to try and ward off colds?
Would you turn down any of the advised innoculations if you planned to travel to foreign countries such as sub Saharan Africa.
Do you maintain we should abolish the rubella and TB jabs but only treat the kids when they go down with the disease?
It's too damm late trying to treat your bees in midwinter if they come down with nosema.
It's also been proven that bees given thymol in winter feed build up quicker in spring.
Nothing wrong with preventative medicine.
I can understand why you're still feeding them now.

Only just started feeding, it goes on until late October early November, would not be too clever to do otherwise here, all the syrup is thymolated, sorry if you disapprove, but I will carry on doing it all the same, having seen the benefits over many years.
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Only just started feeding, it goes on until late October early November, would not be too clever to do otherwise here, all the syrup is thymolated, sorry if you disapprove, but I will carry on doing it all the same, having seen the benefits over many years.
Does the Thymol syrup also help with Nosema as well as stopping mould.
Only just started feeding, it goes on until late October early November, would not be too clever to do otherwise here, all the syrup is thymolated, sorry if you disapprove, but I will carry on doing it all the same, having seen the benefits over many years.

I didn't say I disapprove. I'm just trying to understand why people don't feed their bees earlier.