What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Finally turned a bit cooler, so a good time to go round and remove all the insulation and insert matchsticks under the corners of the crown boards, this will allow the bees to chill out, toughen up, and create a few months of dormancy so that they germinate strongly during late winter/ early spring.
It also weeds out any weak colonies.

I must try that method.I have been doing it all wrong for the past 6 winters..
Well after a week or so of recovery after being attacked by a lunatic whilst walking my dog I have finally got round to doing bee stuff. My bees are hefting nice and heavy and are still flying even when it is bloody freezing! I have no idea what the are foraging on but they are piling in whatever they can get their little hands on.

I have been searching and asking and have managed to potentially score 8 new apiary sites, 5 of which are on farms fairly locally so that is a bonus! And in talks with Nandos about a hive on their roof.
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Big change down in the apiary today. Not a single bee flying. So they are now strapped up and mouse guards applied.

Was very surprised to find that in between my brief visit yesterday and going back today that a HUGE fence has been erected less than 3 feet from one of my hives! Good job it was a cold day or that could have caused problems!

Wasn't impressed with the pile of stone resting against the back of the hive though! :nono:


  • hivenewfence.jpg
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Well after a week or so of recovery after being attacked by a lunatic whilst walking my dog I have finally got round to doing bee stuff. My bees are hefting nice and heavy and are still flying even when it is bloody freezing! I have no idea what the are foraging on but they are piling in whatever they can get their little hands on.

I have been searching and asking and have managed to potentially score 8 new apiary sites, 5 of which are on farms fairly locally so that is a bonus! And in talks with Nandos about a hive on their roof.
I hope you are ok and it was nothing serious but i do wonder what type of nutcase would attack someone walking a Rottweiler ..:eek:
I hope you are ok and it was nothing serious but i do wonder what type of nutcase would attack someone walking a Rottweiler ..:eek:

Cheers Millet. Yeah we are both OK. It appears it was a homophobic attack from the abuse he was spouting, thankfully my friend got hold of the dog before he could do any damage!!! (We both said we would take that again before losing the dog for protecting us)

Sadly my OH didn't fare so well but he is ok now. Just waiting to see what the police do now.

I didn't want to pry....but I hope you're recovering Robbo

Thanks Erica (as above really lol)

How are things in bee land for you two? I feel like I have neglected mine but they are weighing in well and a few popped out to say hello when I tried to throw the hive strap under and it bounced off the OMF!
Cheers Millet. Yeah we are both OK. It appears it was a homophobic attack from the abuse he was spouting, thankfully my friend got hold of the dog before he could do any damage!!! (We both said we would take that again before losing the dog for protecting us)

Sadly my OH didn't fare so well but he is ok now. Just waiting to see what the police do now.

Thanks Erica (as above really lol)

How are things in bee land for you two? I feel like I have neglected mine but they are weighing in well and a few popped out to say hello when I tried to throw the hive strap under and it bounced off the OMF!

It really is a sad world we live in today, i hope your friend a speedy recovery and i hope the police hammer them w*****s, it is brave of you to think like that about the pooch but you are correct with the silly laws we have now, if your dog did bite the attacker you may well of got it too more trouble, sad but true.
It really is a sad world we live in today, i hope your friend a speedy recovery and i hope the police hammer them w*****s, it is brave of you to think like that about the pooch but you are correct with the silly laws we have now, if your dog did bite the attacker you may well of got it too more trouble, sad but true.

He is like our baby. We have already had to deal with nearly losing him when he was hit by a car, we would never forgive ourselves if anything else happened to him. He is a little star!

The difference is I was sober, the guy who attacked us evidently wasn't. Getting the dog away was the first thing in my mind.

We shall now wait and see how long he goes to prison for, because I am certain he will.

Oh and so I don't get told off, I have scored the deal with Nando's to place a hive or two on their roof! Apparently they are very much getting into this throughout the country, might be worth people keeping their ear to the ground. bee-smillie
I remember the car incident Robbo, I'm glad he's well over that. You probably did the right thing to protect him from any legal hassle and that very fact in your statement is bound to be taken into account. Good luck.
it's terrible - you hear of things like this more and more, it seems the unpleasant bile that came to the surface during the Brexit campaign has made everyone think it's acceptable - sometimes worry about my brother in London - he's a bit far away for me to run to his defence now - and his OH wouldn't be much use - he wouldn't harm a fly!
How are things in bee land for you two? I feel like I have neglected mine but they are weighing in well and a few popped out to say hello when I tried to throw the hive strap under and it bounced off the OMF!

All mine are humming and in bed and I am making plans for more fiddling with them next year.
Keep your chin up and go tell the bees you're better :)
it's terrible - you hear of things like this more and more, it seems the unpleasant bile that came to the surface during the Brexit campaign has made everyone think it's acceptable - sometimes worry about my brother in London - he's a bit far away for me to run to his defence now - and his OH wouldn't be much use - he wouldn't harm a fly!

You're telling me!!
I took my daughter and her GF out for a meal once in SOHO and they got spat at
I was bloody furious and scared for them....it broke my heart.
Don't think it's going to get any better for gays across the pond. The new US Vice President appears to have a dim view of anything that goes against right-wing Christianity:

As a Congressional candidate in 2000, Pence wrapped two awful ideas into a single dreadful proposal. He wanted to ensure that “federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus.” So where should the money go? “Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.” In other words, conversion therapy.

Interesting times...
You're telling me!!
I took my daughter and her GF out for a meal once in SOHO and they got spat at
I was bloody furious and scared for them....it broke my heart.

Don't think it's going to get any better for gays across the pond. The new US Vice President appears to have a dim view of anything that goes against right-wing Christianity:

As a Congressional candidate in 2000, Pence wrapped two awful ideas into a single dreadful proposal. He wanted to ensure that “federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus.” So where should the money go? “Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.” In other words, conversion therapy.

Interesting times...

That is the kind of person who deserves to be spat at! Heaven help the US.
Sorry to hear of your troubles mate. Hope you are ok.
I have never spat at anyone, nor will ever.
It's barbaric.

Neither have I. It was purely a reference to if anyone should be spat at it isn't Erica's daughter and her partner but someone who openly says that 'conversion therapy' should be something a government spends money on.

Anyway, bees, I now have 3 new farm apiary sites! Looks like spring expansion will be possible after all! Might need to purchase myself a car....
New road into new apiary site almost completed..... last 20 ton load of scalpings now being rolled down...... one site that will be all weather!

Nos da
New road into new apiary site almost completed..... last 20 ton load of scalpings now being rolled down...... one site that will be all weather!

Nos da

Pah - why go to all that bother - just get a few apiary sites in quarries - biggest issue with my next one is removing the scalpings to make way for the hives :D
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