scandinavian hive - bikupa - how does it work

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House Bee
Feb 14, 2012
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Hive Type
Hi. I was wondering if anybody has a clue how scandinavian or actually swedish hives work.

everything seems to be in one big box. when you open it the lower half is something like a TBH and the supers will sit on the TBH but still in the big box. somehow the TBH is smaller which makes a gap between inner and outer wall perhaps for installation.

It looks rather cosy for the bees but i am not sure if its easy to work with it as a keeper.

has anybody got a construction plan? i would like to try to build one.

Bikupa seems to be the swedish word for apiary/beehouse/beehive so don't know if it is an actual specific hive design. It possibly operates something like a long hive. Here are some possible sources;
Loads of different plans for beekeeping equipment and if you follow some links you come up with the attached plans which are for trough hives.
A link with good pictures of a modified long hive ....
May not be what you are looking for but may be a start.
Thanks for your answers and thanks PBee. that is exactly what i was looking for
Hi. I was wondering if anybody has a clue how scandinavian or actually swedish hives work.

This style hives were quite common 50 years ago when I started beekeeping.
From where the style came, is perhaps Germany.

My brother moved to live in Sweden 1970 and he took 2 Langstroths from me. Langstroth was very unknown in Sweden in those days and he must get foundations from Finland when he visited there.

Yes, the hive was a box where you put frames. One box was brood and then you put in summer a super. It needed not nothing else because in those days hives swarmed like mad.

Actually I saw very same hives in South Finland, but there was inside a polyhive. A huge old hive act as winter shelter.

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Here are hives from Latvia


from Poland


aaaand here: Norske ny bikupor

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