Moving brood frames between sites

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House Bee
Dec 9, 2012
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Hi all,

I want to move some brood frames from a large nuc to another hive to help boost them. My question is, how long do I have from taking the frames out of the nuc and putting them into the other hive before they run the risk of chilled brood?

Plenty of time
Do you have a poly nuc to pop the frame in in transit, retain some heat
How long will it take to get betwen apiaries
What is the distance?
Why not move the full nuke, take out the frame you require, move it back.

Plenty of time
Do you have a poly nuc to pop the frame in in transit, retain some heat
How long will it take to get betwen apiaries

It's about a 1 mile walk. Good suggestion on putting them in a spare nuc too, thanks. :)
What is the distance?
Why not move the full nuke, take out the frame you require, move it back.


I could move the whole nuc, but I have to walk to the other apiary as I don't drive. I've done it before a few times when necessary but a heavy nuc isn't a pleasant thing to carry over a mile. And it leaves them in a foul mood for a good few hours after.
Crazy idea. Emerging brood is the norm, not open brood.

Firstly, they are more robust, and....

Secondly, the reinforcement is sooo much earlier. You could add emerging brood twice or more in the time it takes for open brood to emerge.

Read the books. It is the standard method. I wonder why you would wish to do something different?

You are more than likely to lose brood by them being unable to service extra brood, than chilling. - if donevproperly at this timevofvthecyear.
Don't know where I said they were open brood, RAB. They're not.