Advice on feeding

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retired bill

New Bee
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Co Durham
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This my first year? I have removed 4 frames of caped honey from one of the supers the other 6 are in the hive I am feeding to build up stores I have also put apiguard on top of the brood.
I have used the crush and strain method to extract the honey and I have the left over wax comb in a small block could I feed this back to the bee,s

The honey has a lovely taste as this is my first year this a a wonderful way to spend your Retirement

I am feeding to build up stores I have also put apiguard on top of the brood.
I have used the crush and strain method to extract the honey and I have the left over wax comb in a small block could I feed this back to the bee,s

The honey has a lovely taste as this is my first year this a a wonderful way to spend your Retirement


Hi Bill
Did you melt the wax down? If so, the bees won't do very much with the wax block. If it is just comb that is a bit sticky with honey, they'll lick it clean and it is certainly worth feeding it back (preferably to the same colony to minimise the risk of transferring disease between colonies).
I'm curious about the 6 combs you say you left in the hive. Are these deep brood combs or shallow honey combs? Its not a good idea to leave the colony without its full compliment of frames for any length of time. In the summer, food will come in so quickly that they'll fill the space with brace comb and in the winter it would be extra space that the colony would need to expend the energy to heat. If you have other boxes and intend to remove these combs when full, that's fine.
It,s all comb driping in honey I put it in to a bain marie it,s not a solid block I then wrapped it in clean-film It will be going back to the same colony.
I have removed 4 frames in the middle of the super so I can place the apiguard on top of the brood frames this Im not happy with so Im going the build an elk to stand the super on.

I think what people are hinting at is that apiguard is a strong smelling treatment and any frames of honey in the hive when you use it will not be suitable for human consumption this year at least! 'Normally' you would remove all supers that you might use for honey before treating. don't say if you have a queen excluder in place. If not then you could leave that box under the brood box for the winter and they will use any of the tainted stores, but...... As already stated, you have left a big gap. If the gap is bigger than a bee space they will fill it with comb, if it is less than a bee space they will propolise it. The frames you have taken out are a big space and if they needed more room they may well start to build comb in the gaps. Just keep an eye on it as they will probably attach that wild comb to the crown board!
Glad you got some honey though.... That's more than me this year!
any frames of honey in the hive when you use it will not be suitable for human consumption this year at least! 'Normally' you would remove all supers that you might use for honey before treating.
Yes. I was trying to visualise what he had and assumed it was directly ontop of the brood box.

By the way, its called an "eke", although an "elk" may have saved you the need of any further work ;-)
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I have made a Elk placed on top of the brood with apigaurd inside good advice thanks.
super ontop of Elk complete with frames feeder ontop of super QX removed. when the super is full I will place it under the brood.

super ontop of Elk complete with frames feeder ontop of super QX removed. when the super is full I will place it under the brood.


Advisable not to feed whilst apiguard is on - first thing they'll do is fill the extra space afforded by the eke with brace comb.
build an elk to stand the super on.
That did make me smile......:sorry:

I think I made the same bo bo a few years ago on here never really lived it down, I had all the jokes about was it dead or alive and head first into the hive lol
Advisable not to feed whilst apiguard is on - first thing they'll do is fill the extra space afforded by the eke with brace comb.

Thanks for that they are due a top up of feed tonight I will stop the feeding while they are taking apigaurd.

Yes the (ELK) is in good health antlars an all.

I will be known by all now as bill the ELK.

Thanks All
Thanks for that they are due a top up of feed tonight I will stop the feeding while they are taking apigaurd.

Yes the (ELK) is in good health antlars an all.

I will be known by all now as bill the ELK.

Thanks All

Its good to see you have a sense of humour Bill. We all make mistakes and you might as well laugh at them

By the way, we'll expect regular updates about the elk

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