Worst Start to a Season I Can Remember ??

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Aug 4, 2012
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co durham
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50 National expanding to 100 +
After almost 30 year's of beekeeping I can't really think of a worst spring, a couple of years ago spring was very cold but all became well when everything flowered at once and the bees produced. This year all the spring flowers are out rape, dandelion, trees ect, but no honey flow. I have stocks in good condition plenty of bees into first super but just sitting there, making preparations to swarm. Cold windy weather with temp below 10 degrees often. I am in coastal north east, disillusionment at the moment.
After almost 30 year's of beekeeping I can't really think of a worst spring, a couple of years ago spring was very cold but all became well when everything flowered at once and the bees produced. This year all the spring flowers are out rape, dandelion, trees ect, but no honey flow. I have stocks in good condition plenty of bees into first super but just sitting there, making preparations to swarm. Cold windy weather with temp below 10 degrees often. I am in coastal north east, disillusionment at the moment.

what difference a few hundred miles makes,

ok the new short stem strain of Rape flowered early, was riddle with pollen mite and did not seem to make any substantial quanities of nectar BUT i have just returned from adding 4th supers to most of my hives,

My largest hives have between 35 to 50lbs of capped honey and a super of ripening honey and its not Rape
what difference a few hundred miles makes,

ok the new short stem strain of Rape flowered early, was riddle with pollen mite and did not seem to make any substantial quanities of nectar BUT i have just returned from adding 4th supers to most of my hives,

My largest hives have between 35 to 50lbs of capped honey and a super of ripening honey and its not Rape

Cheers that's made my day
Cheers that's made my day

mY Grandmother lived in Seaham Harbour when i was a young child and i remember the cold NE wind blowing me over and I broke my wrist while walking in jumper and coat down North Terrace and it was July

I am suprised your bees can even flying yet
mY Grandmother lived in Seaham Harbour when i was a young child and i remember the cold NE wind blowing me over and I broke my wrist while walking in jumper and coat down North Terrace and it was July

I am suprised your bees can even flying yet

Seaham harbour is about 2 mile down the road from me, thought things would have improved by now, glad your doing better. Got the sea fret to look forward to later when it warms up lol
From observation it appears many of the farmers round Notts had sown wheat this year rather than rapeseed.
After almost 30 year's of beekeeping I can't really think of a worst spring, a couple of years ago spring was very cold but all became well when everything flowered at once and the bees produced. This year all the spring flowers are out rape, dandelion, trees ect, but no honey flow. I have stocks in good condition plenty of bees into first super but just sitting there, making preparations to swarm. Cold windy weather with temp below 10 degrees often. I am in coastal north east, disillusionment at the moment.

You could be describing conditions here in Plymouth. I was always taught that Spring came to the south west earlier than anywhere else - but it is just so cold and windy here our bees are doing very little. Some nectar is coming in slowly but the brood nests are not expanding at all. They just seem to be ticking over, eating any stores when it is too cold and wet and windy to go out foraging.
You could be describing conditions here in Plymouth. I was always taught that Spring came to the south west earlier than anywhere else - but it is just so cold and windy here our bees are doing very little. Some nectar is coming in slowly but the brood nests are not expanding at all. They just seem to be ticking over, eating any stores when it is too cold and wet and windy to go out foraging.

Unfortunately you have made me feel better, the point of my thread is exactly what you saId
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Some nectar is coming in slowly but the brood nests are not expanding at all. They just seem to be ticking over, eating any stores when it is too cold and wet and windy to go out foraging.
and then swarming..
Similar here, Snelgrove.
I have one colony that I had to AS on the 22nd April and another supercedure/swarm QC predicament that I had to split at the same time.
Both are just marking time. Another on nine frames of brood is expected to make swarm preps.All colonies are sitting under supers that are being part filled and emptied repeatedly. We seem to have one or two good days followed by a longer blustery cool spell. The dandelions came and went in a week. Hawthorn and Sycamore are about to bloom but there seems to be no let up in this daft weather.
Pollen stores are virtually non existent.
Spoilt by last year, I guess.
Agree. I'm having to 'interfere' more than I normally would at this time of year. I have 3 out of 6 hives 'dummied' down to give then less space to heat as the bees are building slower than expected. :(
Rubbish here but ny lang jumbos are full of bees and my TBH are OK.. Lots of insulation and engulfing roofs help..

The flowers are lasting due to the cool weather and the damp soil so lots of pollen..We still have apple, plum and pear in flower all at once..
Similar here, Snelgrove.
I have one colony that I had to AS on the 22nd April and another supercedure/swarm QC predicament that I had to split at the same time.
Both are just marking time. Another on nine frames of brood is expected to make swarm preps.All colonies are sitting under supers that are being part filled and emptied repeatedly. We seem to have one or two good days followed by a longer blustery cool spell. The dandelions came and went in a week. Hawthorn and Sycamore are about to bloom but there seems to be no let up in this daft weather.
Pollen stores are virtually non existent.
Spoilt by last year, I guess.

End of this week looks promising,, the great British weather
Great aint it? I started late last year in the best year for decades so missed a honey crop & now my first real year & everythings all to cock. I do have two full supers at the moment but it could be a lot better here too. One good day then 3 bad :-(
After almost 30 year's of beekeeping I can't really think of a worst spring, a couple of years ago spring was very cold but all became well when everything flowered at once and the bees produced. This year all the spring flowers are out rape, dandelion, trees ect, but no honey flow. I have stocks in good condition plenty of bees into first super but just sitting there, making preparations to swarm. Cold windy weather with temp below 10 degrees often. I am in coastal north east, disillusionment at the moment.

I'm glad someone up north, is also sharing similar conditions as me, and it's not just me, I was reading all this swarming activity down south, and my colonies have been very slow to get started, this year.
Great aint it? I started late last year in the best year for decades so missed a honey crop & now my first real year & everythings all to cock. I do have two full supers at the moment but it could be a lot better here too. One good day then 3 bad :-(

Two full supers = two more than me.

So stop whingeing :)
Of 3 over-wintered colonies, I've had to do AS on 2 and the other one is in the process of superceding - I *think*. One half of one AS then still swarmed :( - though they went straight to my bait hive :)
And this was all in the latter part of April, first half of May in between the unseasonal gales we had!
However it is still only mid May so am thinking positive :)
I am really glad I decided to do increase this year and accept that there wouldn't be much honey to share. So I won't be disappointed! However...Hive 2 and 3 are doing well so far...I am not sure how full the supers are on each of them ATM but the other day they were filling up. I had put a second super on each of comb. I was surprised because I expected them to have eaten more when they were confined to barracks with the bad weather. It is really cold here but with sunny periods...they are out and busy. The OSR is just beginning to go over here...so I will be testing the nectar in the frames to see what can be extracted. It will be interesting to see whether it sets quickly. If it doesn't then they must have been collecting other nectars. Either way...I will store it in case we have a lean period. It would be good to inspect the colonies without having to rush to close up because the weather is either cold or windy or both! There is still time for spring honey...if the sun comes out and stays out and the air warms up!