Wind up bees

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Drone Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Dordogne 24360 France
Hive Type
Number of Hives
16 a mix of Commercial, National, 14 x 12, Dadant and a Warre
Situation - Routine inspection on 31 March of a commercial sized hive revealed 9 frames of brood in all stages 2 frames full of stores, 2011 queen was seen. Multiple queen cups 3 more advanced with larvae and royal jelly - swarm mode.

1st April Artificial swarm - Queen transferred to a box with 10 frames of foundation. The frame she was transferred on was thoroughly checked and had NO queen cells or cups. Forgot the feeder soooooo.

2nd April Small feeder with 2ltrs of 1:1 syrup given. While doing so they SWARMED!!! They settled about 20mtrs away in a gorse bush surrounded by brambles - nice - No kit with me so drove home (8km) to get my swarm box and
brush cutters. Returned to find that they had gone:mad:

Returned to the apiary to tidy up and lock up to find that they had returned to their hive:biggrinjester: Although there is plenty of blossom (Blackthorne, peach, cherry plum and pear) it is very dry and may not be yielding. There was no food in the hive. I think the last workers to leave with the swarm smelt the syrup (thymolated) and told the rest of the swarm " Hey that nice monster in the cafe au lait suit just delivered some nosh let's go home"

Another 32km on the clock - good job there isn't a fuel shortage over here:cool:
Just proves my point... Women can never make there mind up whither they are coming or going :cool:
Hi Mike, checked ours Saturday. 4 seams of bees, but she's running out of places to lay the eggs - all seem to be capped or uncapped larvae or stores. Still not using the last two frames - both ends not drawn out at all, but third ones in full to bursting with honey. Is it worth us putting on a super to give space to lay, rather than stores?
Glad you got them back though!

Sure this is NOT the place to be exchanging pleasantries - but take it you are Mike's students too? My hive (a nuc from Mike last June) was exactly the same as yours. The end 2 frames had been like that for 10 months.

I asked EXACTLY the same question of Mike about 10 days ago by e-mail. Under the masters direction (you liking this Mike?), I held off on the super (not 7/8 frames of brood)but moved the 2 empty frames in next to the brood. Saturdays inspection showed the 2 frames fully drawn, with 2 inner sides full of eggs and honey (thats right - much of it capped!) and the outsides not far behind.

The rest of the hive is full... chokka, and at this rate I reckon a few more days and they will be struggling. Ok. Here's the admission. I put the Super on on Saturday. If it gets cold I may well regret it - but they have started drawing it already (had a peek today).

2 weeks ago - 1 play cup. Saturday - 3 queen cups almost complete 1 with an egg in.

I realise I not following the Master here, since the 6th and 7th frames are in the egg stage so I am 2 weeks early. I never was a great student though - it's why I got a 2:2! I do have 2 lakes surrounded by willow and other trees all in flower though. Standing by my the lakes it sounds like you have your head in a hive - bummbles, bees, fly's - you name it gorging themselves. Thought I'd have a crack at getting some of it in the box! (It's been a year!).

Your bees knew it was Poisson d'Avril, n'est-ce pas?
Oh no - does that mean the Honey will taste of Fish?
Only if you extract it in April ;)
Just proves my point... Women can never make there mind up whither they are coming or going :cool:

Q. Whats the difference between a super market trolly and a woman?

A. A trolly has a mind of its own.


I'm just going.:)
Mr Ab - Queen marked but not clipped. I'll let them settle down for a week and see if she made it back :) or whether the return home was the result of her being lost:( They have eggs on the frame she was transferred on so they are not hopelessly queenless. Fingers crossed.
Not personally had much swarming experience but one of mine swarmed for 20 mins last year then returned to the hive, only to leave en masse the following day never to return. I put it down to the queen not joining them initially.
Update - Checked both bits of the AS today, HRH did make it back (if she ever left:cool:) 5 frames of eggs and larvae and all but 2 frames (commercial size) drawn - phew. other half 2 nice sealed queen cells and very calm bees - result.

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