Swarm control on double brood

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Aug 2, 2016
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2, no 3, no 4 definitely 4......erm....5
None of the books and texts on artificial swarms make specific mention of any differences when swarm controlling a double brood box. I assume you treat the 2 boxes as a single unit and move both in the way you would for single brood?
What I would like to know is that as on double brood you get a much smaller brood patch in the lower box usually, can you leave this box for the new colony to utilise when you move the box with the majority of the brood?

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I don't leave any part of the double brood, I treat it as one. The trick of making them think they have swarmed is not worth playing with or they will swarm anyway. But if going for a split then double brood is useful
Thanks thought so. I am struggling a little due to combination of nationals and modified nationals so got confused trying to combine a method of comb change with swarm control to move colonies gently across to slightly different frames. It is a pain in the proverbial. The swarm control I have performed is a listed method. But as double brood I am suspiscious that as soon as the double BB Q- remnant raises cells they will be off. I don't want the daughters from this colony so I will knock them back on the next cycle of QC's then they should have no young larva. Then I will donate a frame of eggs for them to play with.

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I don't leave any part of the double brood, I treat it as one. The trick of making them think they have swarmed is not worth playing with or they will swarm anyway. But if going for a split then double brood is useful

Exactly as we treat our Rose OSB colonies... even if on tripple brood... helps if you are Twizzel!!!

Yeghes da