Sting reaction?

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Mar 19, 2009
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North West UK
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National and 14x12
Some advice please from those of you who have had reactions to stings.
Beginner beek described this delayed reaction after a sing on the chin.

"I became quite unwell last week, GP said possibly sting related but hard to tell, I got a very swollen lip and glands 2 days after the sting and then flu like symptoms for a week."

Sounds familiar?
Could be, I usually get a reaction 12ish hours after being stung then swelling and itching for 3-4 days afterwards
Some advice please from those of you who have had reactions to stings.
Beginner beek described this delayed reaction after a sing on the chin.

"I became quite unwell last week, GP said possibly sting related but hard to tell, I got a very swollen lip and glands 2 days after the sting and then flu like symptoms for a week."

Sounds familiar?

Reactions are usually soon after a sting so 2 days seems quite a long delay.
Not long after I started beekeeping, the swelling didn't go down after a week. The doctor gave me a tetanus jab to be on the safe side. Swelling went down after that, but it could have been coincidental.
I had a stinger left in my palm a few years ago and the surrounding area became inflamed, so sounds like the OP had an infection caused by the sting to me.
I would ask my doctor if it happened to me.
I had a stinger left in my palm a few years ago and the surrounding area became inflamed, so sounds like the OP had an infection caused by the sting to me.
I would ask my doctor if it happened to me.

Yes it could have become infected
Quite a few glands in that area. Swelling for two days seems normal, my thumb is back to normal today after a sting on Saturday.
Stung on inside of forearm not as much swelling this time but still a little itchy after couple days
I dont rwact too well. If im stung i having normsl stinging pain then it subsides and you cant even see where i was stung. 24hours later however ive blown up where stung like a balloon. Itchy sore the works this then lasts for about 3-4 days before subsiding. I made initial mistake of taking ibuprofen for the swelling only to learn ibuprofen can make it worse.. i fing thr drowsy antihistamines are the best and now try very hard not to get stung.
Thanks for all the replies
Most likely a reaction to the sting. She is on regular antihistamines for her hay fever. I'll get some hydrocortisone cream to put on any future stings.
I had a bad one under the eye once, looked like I had a stroke for few days and a blackish eye. This I partly put down to infection with the reaction as after a day or 2 I squeezed a lot of puss out the sting so might well be infection.
Yer I was surprised as well you couldn't see to the eye but it was swollen and very red so out of curiosity squeezed it and it was revealed, this was overwinter bees march time so probably very dirty conditions being stuck inside hive all winter so could of been why.
I got stung on lower forearm yesterday was itchy as hell today and quiet swollen. I often got stung on hands and have been fine
Yer hands I'm fine :D I got stung on the foot after bees got in my boot couldn't wear a shoe for a day or 2. Still won't stop me :D
Meh I hate going anywhere near doctors or hospitals, go in with 1 thing come out with 5 new things. I go doctors once every 5+ years that is it for me.
Pop a piriton before going to apiary and crack on I've been stung most places and apart from swelling and itch I'm fine until otherwise I'm not going anywhere near a doctors, they got enough on their plate with people clogging up the nhs daily for painkillers and snotty noses.
Meh I hate going anywhere near doctors or hospitals, go in with 1 thing come out with 5 new things. I go doctors once every 5+ years that is it for me.
Pop a piriton before going to apiary and crack on I've been stung most places and apart from swelling and itch I'm fine until otherwise I'm not going anywhere near a doctors, they got enough on their plate with people clogging up the nhs daily for painkillers and snotty noses.

Insy, you sound like me :D
Anyone seen Spongbob Square Pants Mr Crabs claws? Thats my hands today. Took a sting to each and theyre pretty impressive crab claws today.

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