psychometric test

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hedgerow pete

Queen Bee
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
UK, Birmingham, Sandwell. Pork scratching Bandit c
Hive Type
ok people I need a hand here.

as part of my night classes at college we have to self examine our skills ans short coming to find our weeknesses and strenghs, so i was thinking of trying out some psycometric tests.

does anyone know where on the web are any free to do ones and does anyone know other ways of finding out about the strengh and weeknesses.

there is only one rule, i can not ask anyone i work with due to i do not want them knowing that i am back at college as they get very spitefull about it and it causes to much agro about it
Good on you for having the courage to go back and study as a mature student! Did that myself, abit, so know what it is like... Sorry can't help with the psychometric tests, good luck at college. :)
does anyone know where on the web are any free to do ones and does anyone know other ways of finding out about the strengh and weeknesses.

It's not normally referred to as strength and weakness now, we're all valued members of society who contribute equally in different ways :).

Something like uses the Jung Briggs-Myers divisions of introvert/extrovert, thinking/feeling, judging perceiving.

Or there's the Felder sort of learning styles (active/reflexive, visual/verbal etc) approach that many college lecturers use as an introduction to their new student group

That's all from a generic starting point, there are many variations on how to represent various traits. Or are they expecting something around "what am I hoping to learn/improve skills/fill in paperwork from this course"?
ok people I need a hand here.

as part of my night classes at college we have to self examine our skills ans short coming to find our weeknesses (Tea, and looks)and strenghs (Enthusiasm, and ability to watch bees in a tube) .

There, that was easy :D
ok people I need a hand here.

as part of my night classes at college we have to self examine our skills ans short coming to find our weeknesses and strenghs, so i was thinking of trying out some psycometric tests.

Does your college have anyone who can test for dyslexia or links with a psychology department who might do a test for a small fee or even free.

I ask this because I am dyslexic and think maybe you show signs of dyslexia.
I found the diagnosis useful when I was studying as it opened the door for a grant for a computer and extra time in exams.

Dyslexia is definitely a disadvantage even with a spell check facility as writing generally takes longer for me than someone who can spell well naturally.

The plus side is Dyslexic people who want to learn and to express themselves are lateral thinkers, imaginative and inventive. Go get em and good luck.
i all ready know i have dyslexia in a form and as such i have managed to find ways to control it or to work around it, mine is the poor focusing skill of mental ability to writen word description and us, basicly poor writen english, i dont help with having two speach inpediments that i have also tried to disguise as well, a stutter and speach pronounciation of G< SH> GUI>

these i know of and can deal with,

the idea of the focus of the course is to try and identify some not all and to then try to improve them, the other idea is by finding them we can work around them as well.

the course is the level four CIOB managers stuff, i started it many years ago but a manager grew very vindictive of me so moved my work to scotland so i did not have the chance to finish it, so we are doing it again at the moment, there are 12 blocks of ten week long modules to do and the first one is management improvement,

as for the tests etc its more a general over view rather than an indepth dismantling of ones self, thanks for the tips people
My son went to a military hospital in Greece for psychometric tests - the doc asked him where he was from and when he told him from Cyprus the doc said "You are all crazy down there" and stamped the test as passed.

Later on he went to the ENT doc for testing - the doc asked him if he could hear him talking and then passed him.................
psychometric tests

My children had the same problems at school.
I found on the internet some pages that checks for example psycho its rather business but you can try and check by yourself.
A variety of psychometric tests were very popular among Human Resources types when they were still known as the Personnel Dept. They paid very good money to the various gurus that produced them and a nice little money earner it undoubtedly was.

The main point being though was that thinking about them can skew them and produce quite the wrong answers, there being no rights and wrongs of course, merely an insight into the thinking of the candidate answering the questions.

My psyche was metricated around about 1970 when the currency went decimal!
Myers Briggs is a better method for you, online psychometrics are very poor.