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dale popham

New Bee
Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
Ashford kent
Hive Type
Number of Hives
hi forum just another newbee question . how long should you leave osr honey sitting in the frames , one supper is nearly full apart from two frames they are still working . some of the frames have not fully been capped yet. am i right to say that they dont always cap osr? any advise would be a big help. many thanks Dale
All honey will be capped when the frames are full, given that the bees have time (too late autumn feeds!)

One does not always wait for that to happen or it may start to granulate.

Don't leave it long, sitting in the frames, after removal from the hive unless kept really warm or very cold.

The 'shake test' is usually good enough to ascertain whether the moisture is low enough in the odd frame to decide on removal and extraction, or not.

So my advice to your question is you should not leave OSR honey sitting in frames.

Regards, RAB
many thanks rab for your reply i will take the frames out the weekend . they have been full for about 3 weeks this weekend so hope i have not left it to late. It is well existing for me and my wife as it is our first honey crop since I started the mad world of beekeeping. I have worked for it mind you getting attacked by a swarm last year , lost my first colany after ten minutes of owning . Then we had the drone laying worker I learnt loads last year once again many thanks Dale :):)