One uncapped QC: should I split?

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If I understand this correctly your queen was still laying and you had one charged queen cell!!!. Could you see the larva in the cell? or was it just filled with royal jelly?

There is no such alternative, that cell has only jelly without larva.
q cell

I would have said, take out q cell and frame its on and make up a 2/3 frame nuc as back up ! seemed logical to me.

If I understand this correctly your queen was still laying and you had one charged queen cell!!!. Could you see the larva in the cell? or was it just filled with royal jelly?
The bees have now sealed the cell and you have committed regicide and killed your queen.
I think you have made a big mistake.
Given the time of year surely, as Heather suggested, you should have removed the single queen cell and destroyed it. not a perfectly good laying queen.
If you didn't want to destroy it make up a small nuc and stick it in there.

Sorry, I wasn't clear: I've killed the QC, NOT the reigning queen....