Observations from a new beekeeper

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Lucky Bee

New Bee
Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
More than originally planned
I've done the courses, I am reading the books, I appear to be addicted to this forum. I am obsessed by my bees, constantly thinking about them and have never experienced so many his and lows. They are a constant source of anxiety and have cost a fortune. I love it and am totally addicted. Is it me?
Some people never get over it.
Bee Fever or addiction to beekeeping

This disease is a pleasant one that is allied to "Fishing Pox" or "Golf Disease". In the mildest cases it is seasonal, but when it really takes hold the beekeeper will be casting around for things that they can do in winter to prepare for the coming "season".

It can infect male and female alike and age is no barrier, as cases have been reported from age four to one hundred years old.

Thankfully, I personally have a strong and incurable form of this disease

Dave Cushman.
Not alone!
On conference calls in work ppl are told not to mention bees or it will get me started!
They don't complain when I bring honey in tho!
This week I found out one of my staff is a volunteer member of the removal of HB in Cardiff! That was a fun convo!
Winter is for building new hives and putting the cheap frames together that we all buy from the Th????s sale, although lucky me can turn around from the computer and look at my obs hive.
lucky me can look out my bedroom window and see the hives, I rush down most mornings to greet them and some evenings I catch them in the gloaming.

No it isn't just you :D
My mate and myself have been moved to a different table in the canteen at work, we seem to interfere with their Sun crossword puzzle........ who's the saddest. Dreamed about my bees swarming the other night...... that's not natural :eek:
sounds like the disease is further spread in me, I take daily video clips of my girls in the garden, and weekly ones in the apiary 11 miles away, Mrs says I love the sound of my own voice
Im just as addicted as you!!! My parents have actually banned bees as a subject of conversation unless they start it :) Im going to spend the winter making nuc boxes out of plywood and reading anything i can get my hands on about my little friends :) :) :) :) :)
My mate and myself have been moved to a different table in the canteen at work, we seem to interfere with their Sun crossword puzzle........ who's the saddest. Dreamed about my bees swarming the other night...... that's not natural :eek:

The worst part of that is that it seems to imply that your workmates need to work as a team to complete the Sun crossword!!!
Im just as addicted as you!!! My parents have actually banned bees as a subject of conversation unless they start it :) Im going to spend the winter making nuc boxes out of plywood and reading anything i can get my hands on about my little friends :) :) :) :) :)

Your parents don't know how lucky they are!
Im just as addicted as you!!! My parents have actually banned bees as a subject of conversation unless they start it :) Im going to spend the winter making nuc boxes out of plywood and reading anything i can get my hands on about my little friends :) :) :) :) :)

I've been giving a yellow card too about reading out interesting bee facts.
My OH is interested in the woodwork side of it though and made me a nuc this week.


I chose the colour. :)
I've had to resort to manning the assoc stand at fetes cos friends/family have started to get that glazed over look :D
On conference calls in work ppl are told not to mention bees or it will get me started!

When chatting with people I often think:
"Please dont ask how the bees are doing"
Because I know I cant control the urge to bore them for hours on end.
When chatting with people I often think:
"Please dont ask how the bees are doing"
Because I know I cant control the urge to bore them for hours on end.

That about sums it up.
We're all bee-bores...no hope...