New addition to the apiary.

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House Bee
May 3, 2010
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View attachment 7988

I have just acquired these scales and set them up in my apiary. I am going to put just one hive on them and weigh it at every inspection to add to my hive record.
It’s going to be interesting when we get a flow on :)
thermonuclear weapon to crack a nut ... but i like it :)
I thought that it’s perfect – nice level base, it fits a hive on the platform, and weighs up to 250kg.
I will be really pleased if I need more than 250kg :party:
I'd be tempted to add a few bricks under the roof to freak you out a little :)
Just remember that some days you will want two weights - before and after adding extra supers. That way you can take out the weight change of the hive structure.

/ might affect any special record card you are designing!
I'm very envious - I used to have similar scales when I beeked in Cheshire. It was wonderful to come home from work on a hot day and weigh the day's takings. Record was 8 lbs - in May. When I posted this a few months ago Finman scoffed and claimed (from memory) 25lbs in a day!
Obviously intended to weigh super obese beekeepers on a slimming cure :)
Hmmmmm, try lifting a 12 frame Dadant single handed, (or even using both hands).

Bon courage, Chris
Ahh I had visions of the hive's being lifted on and off but just noticed the OP has 1 hive.
Just to clarify.
I intend to place a complete hive (14x12 with full complement of frames) on the scales and then weigh it all. Then transfer an overwintered nuc into the hive and weigh again, this will give me the weight of the bees, brood & wax. This hive is staying on the scales permanently.
I will then weigh at every inspection – and sometimes in between. I will be interesting to see the weight variations during the season.
Itma was correct.

You need to weigh ALL your supers and of course extra frames + foundation so you know what weight you are adding..
Ahh I had visions of the hive's being lifted on and off but just noticed the OP has 1 hive.

You only read the first line of my 'number of colonies' box :biggrinjester:
mad, can't see why - can't he just read the scales each time he's added something?
Hope you have a strong back.

The hard part was getting the scales into the apiary. I recon the scales themselves weigh over 100kg so had to dismantle them to get them in position – even so it took two of us to drag the frame into place.
mad, can't see why - can't he just read the scales each time he's added something?

You are of course correct.

Senile dementia rules errrr....I have forgotten the rest ...drool...