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Sep 4, 2011
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As of today I officially own seventeen colonies, five on single brood, seven brood and a half and five on double brood. I'm also looking after three (but should be four, no thanks to woodpeckers last winter) colonies for a local farmer who has no beekeeping skills in the family any more, but wants to keep the tradition of having bees on the farm going.

The dozen colonies I've taken over today are right next to my home apiary and it seemed like too good an opportunity to get control of the site and reduce the number of hives by moving some to an out apiary rather than having any random person take them over and possibly move even more colonies in.

Looks like next year is going to be a busy one...

Better get a rest this winter looks like you will be busy next year.
Not sure I folow the events sequence but good luck and be prepared to spend the winter planning.

If you find ten boxes with cells what are you going to do, right there and then... that needs a plan. Preferably a good

Yep Poly is correct, you need to plan ahead and now is a good time to do that, the sale are starting.... good luck .

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