MAD Honey Disease

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Rhododendron ponticum grows in profusion around the Black Sea the Turkish bee keepers in the area call the honey "mad honey". This is sold 'under the counter' for medicinal purposes of course -;)

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I have an out Apiary with a large ornimental Rhododenrom immediatley behind it, Never seen any bees collecting pollen or Nector from it
Somebody once asked me at my farmers' market...nudge nudge, "Do you have any mead under the counter perhaps?"
Would Rhodo honey be the legal alternative?
I've often wondered what the Old Bill would say if they discovered a big lump of propolis on the dash.
I've often wondered what the Old Bill would say if they discovered a big lump of propolis on the dash.

if nothing else they'd have a hell of a job pronouncing it in court (let alone writing it in their notebooks) long past their syllable limit!!!