Irrigation Hoses

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House Bee
Mar 25, 2009
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Just a line to say be careful which way your hive entrance is facing if they are near arable land, as at this time of the year farmers need to irrigate their crops.

Had a surprise this morning, a field of wheat that is being automatically irrigated came near to my allotment, about 20m away. These irrigation systems are very powerful and have a 1" hose. The result was my hives had a thorough soaking and the floor on one hive is quite damp. I have ensured the entrance is slopping downwards, but it does not help when there is
that much horizontal water splashing around!
I am glad for you that your weather is so dry.

I have been trying to paint hives for a week. T no avail.

Been to collect bees from Easybee this morning.

Headlights, double speed wipers, and tons of spray on the M5, almost all the way back to Staffordshire.

A very grumpy bunch of ladies now installed in a new field.

John - how are they going [the new bees]?
Hello Oakwell 1

They are OK, they are teaching me a lot!

The most gentle bees I've ever come across, not that I'm an experienced expert - I can thoroughly recommend them.

I've looked in the hive six times, or more correctly, I'm taken the lid off six times, but only been as far as taking the frames out, twice.

On two occasions I used smoke, and on four, I've not bothered.

I used smoke the first time, to give me confidence, and the second, out of habit, I think.

The second time, I fired up the smoker, realised that the hive is downwind of the spare hive that's there, so I parked it on the top.

That way, the smoke drifted across the top of the frames - I didn't "smoke" them, if you see what I mean.

Are you near me - mid staffs - Stone?

Hello Plan B (sorry for not posting sooner!) ... Not really near you .. I'm outside Cheltenham in the Cotswolds ... good to see you doing well - I too bought from same supplier - doing fine [a little fast a first].
Had 1 swarm late May - but that was me not givig 'em enough space to expand!

Let me know how there doing.