I am in print again!

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Queen Bee
Mar 4, 2011
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I felt a bit guilty suggesting to you all that you should try and contribute to the bbka magazine rather than slag it off so I decided to write a tongue in cheek article giving me chance to poke fun at the matchstick brigade. They have decided to print the first one in the December issue. Feel free to slag me off when it comes out, I am used to it! But..... I know they are desperate for people to write stuff, keeping a monthly magazine going is not easy to do so if you fancy putting pen to paper please give it a go! I am not even a member of the bbka but I quite enjoy using wet days to muse over beekeeping.
Editors always love something to put between the front and back cover so free content for them is much appreciated. I have written a couple of articles in the past - probably needed a couple of pictures to go with the articles. I'll look out for yours with interest.
That's the problem-the practical, interesting or even mildly entertaining content is swiftly chopped.
I look forward to your work enrico
I think you might find mine is in the latter rather than the educational😆😆
Definately add it to your blog Eric, once it has aired. Like wise I am not a BBKA member so some xmas cheer is worth reading.
Oh well! Maybe it was too controversial and they decided against it. Nothing in the December issue! I will post it on here in the next couple of days!
Oh well! Maybe it was too controversial and they decided against it. Nothing in the December issue! I will post it on here in the next couple of days!

So yours wasn't the letter claiming that the author had eradicated varroa and DWV by moving their hives onto ley lines then?

So yours wasn't the letter claiming that the author had eradicated varroa and DWV by moving their hives onto ley lines then?

I read that with interest.
I tried dowsing when a student at age 18 years old. (Edit: about half a century ago.) Several times. Inspired by a book in University Library about leylines.
Tried again about 30 years ago.
Tried again about 5 years,

Either there were no leylines in the several acres I tried, or I was doing it wrong or it's all carp. Or I am unsuited to doing it, or have no alien bloodlines etc:)

I take a simple view about anything new: If it cannot be replicated using similar equipment to the originator then I assume it's bull excrement and forget about it. (See the Cold Fusion scam of several years ago..)

Leylines may indeed work but as it appears to be specific to certain humans, I suspect other forces at work.. like subconscious recognition of terrain. features appertaining to certain things like hidden water.

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