HowTo planning permission for remote apiary shed

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House Bee
Feb 14, 2012
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Hi. I have purchased a piece of land where i want to put beehives. It is my first freehold and i was wondering if i can build a chat without planning consent there for storing stuff and as it's quite remote maybe even crush for a night. does anybody know if its possible and size wise and so on?

thanks a million
Depends on so much....AONB etc. ask your planning dept, they are usually really helpful. If you are scared they may say yes you need it, and that is not the answer you want, then just build it and be prepared to take it down if someone complains!
Planning permission differs in different areas.
Hi. I have purchased a piece of land where i want to put beehives. It is my first freehold and i was wondering if i can build a chat without planning consent there for storing stuff and as it's quite remote maybe even crush for a night. does anybody know if its possible and size wise and so on?

thanks a million, sorry if the thread comes up twice but i think i posted it in the wron catogary but it didnt show up. please delete the other if you have the access rights

Have an informal chat with the local planning department. Chances are a simple shed might be considered temporary and not require formal approval. Alternatively think about an old (cheap) caravan and move it about from time to time so it's not a permanent structure.

Its not classed as permanent if you don't put down foundations down, if you use a caravan just put six slabs down, but check with the local council there may be other bylaws that applies good luck.
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What's the current land use category of your plot?

That will determine what the general 'permitted development' rights are, as they're quite different for agricultural, forestry, horticultural, residential, commercial,...
a bit more info is needed from you, as stated, what is it's current use/statue, we have a wood and sheds and caravans are no problem, but plain fields are even harder to do stuff on, the council aint stupid they see everything for a reason, you saying you want to "crash" there, presuming you mean sleep over, if they consent to that, then in 11 years time you could put in to build a 3 bedroom house, or you could be a traveller and want to live their permanently
what is the acreage?

over 5 acres and by law you can store 3 caravans in a wood, I'm unsure and doubtful if it's the same for a field
Hi Thanks a lot for the answeres so far.

it is currently a greenbelt but was a never used as such caravan park from the 30s.
i bought three of the freehold caravan ptches which make up approx 700sqm as a square/rhombus shape. its completely overgrown with slows and brambles but accessable from the street.