Grt Manchester / Cheshire/ North West 2017

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Feb 11, 2012
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Far from being the fountain of all knowledge this is an opportunity to learn the basics of beekeeping from next season. We are a Not For Profit group based approximately 5 minutes from Manchester Airport.

This is very much hands on experience on mostly British National boxes (Wood & Poly), Nucleus, Standard (Double Brood) and 14 x 12. Also have a number of mini / mating boxes. There is some Suits / Smocks available for use. PPE is a requirement not optional for insurance purposes. We run Buckfasts for temperament.

It may suit people:-

That are taking up beekeeping but want some good practical experience beforehand and gain an insight into different hive sizes and what best suits you.

That are thinking about beekeeping but can't decide if its for you.

That always wanted to or have done beekeeping but haven't got the space / resources to take it up / carry it on.

In addition to basic there will also be grafting / queen rearing being done on site.

We are not setting days as the weather and bees tend not to cooperate but will see how it goes. You will be given a gentle introduction using nucs and move onto full size when you are comfortable and feel capable.

If interested please PM
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Would love to take you up on this kind offer but need to up my posts before I can use PM. This should do it so PM inbound
Far from being the fountain of all knowledge this is an opportunity to learn the basics of beekeeping from next season. We are a Not For Profit group based approximately 5 minutes from Manchester Airport.

This is very much hands on experience on mostly British National boxes (Wood & Poly), Nucleus, Standard (Double Brood) and 14 x 12. Also have a number of mini / mating boxes. There is some Suits / Smocks available for use. PPE is a requirement not optional for insurance purposes. We run Buckfasts for temperament.

It may suit people:-

That are taking up beekeeping but want some good practical experience beforehand and gain an insight into different hive sizes and what best suits you.

That are thinking about beekeeping but can't decide if its for you.

That always wanted to or have done beekeeping but haven't got the space / resources to take it up / carry it on.

In addition to basic there will also be grafting / queen rearing being done on site.

We are not setting days as the weather and bees tend not to cooperate but will see how it goes. You will be given a gentle introduction using nucs and move onto full size when you are comfortable and feel capable.

If interested please PM
What a brilliant offer Kev just make sure you do your best to vet people first before you allow them anywhere near your hives.