Flow on at last?

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Queen Bee
Jan 1, 2018
Reaction score
Fernhurst Sussex
Hive Type
Number of Hives
40 plus 23 that I maintain for clients.
I inspected several hives today añd it was the first day I have seen nectar coming in to some of my hives that last week were running on vapour!!!! Has the slightly warmer weather and recent rain stimulated the flow?
I inspected several hives today añd it was the first day I have seen nectar coming in to some of my hives that last week were running on vapour!!!! Has the slightly warmer weather and recent rain stimulated the flow?
Something's coming in, Neil, but what is it? In these parts fruit seems over; hawthorn is open; sycamore? Last week I was feeding dry nucs, but it's a different story today. At the weekend stronger colonies were very busy until about 9pm. and it wasn't all pollen. Rain certainly helps nectar flow.
Shame the weather forecast on Essex for the next ten days is pretty poor. Was hoping the colonies would start to catch up.
Quite a strong and delicious smell of nectar coming out of a couple of the hives today accompanied by nice hum now. Noticed more horse chestnut pollen coming in so could be that although there’s no shortage of forage around at the minute. Just a shame the weather is getting wetter, like has been said.
Not much in the way of nectar in supers but nuc /transferes are using the dandelions to draw comb out and good amounts being stored, across the board 1 out of 14 didn't really have stores so I pinched some from another.
Nuc / transfers at home are at the same sort of stage.
All above have had the brood frames split with either drawn or foundation.
Quite a strong and delicious smell of nectar coming out of a couple of the hives today accompanied by nice hum now. Noticed more horse chestnut pollen coming in so could be that although there’s no shortage of forage around at the minute. Just a shame the weather is getting wetter, like has been said.
Yes I saw quite a bit of horse chestnut pollen in a couple of hives. In Sussex it's sunshine a showers for the next week but at least the temperatures are pretty steady in the low teens with overnight temps of 7-8
agree Neil.....we have had a flow on for 7-10 days here, there is some OSR and horse chestnut and hawthorn all out now. Our apple trees have just come out too....but weather is wet for next few days and still cool though double figures
Just came from my main apiary near where the crop in my picture WAS situated. Its bird mix planted under the stewardship scheme and there was a tractor out this morning topping it!
When I asked the tractor driver he just said he'd been told to do it. Under the scheme its supposed to be left until the seeds are set before topping!
The bees had only just found it in the slightly warmer weather :cry:
Will have to ask the owner next time I see him
Just come back from shutting up the chooks. The long hive in my garden is humming like an AC unit so they must be finding some nectar from somewhere

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