Extended release OAV

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Thing is, because there's already a licensed version, if applying it by sublimation or syrup trickle then getting a generic licenced doesn't need us to do more trials. Can use the original data used for the licensed version as long as you can prove its basically the same stuff... Makes it sound so simple... 🤔
If it varies in anyway including the packaging it requires the application and around £200K, although in terms of Formic pro it has taken longer than that and cost more, we are a tiny proportion of the worlds beehive, it simply is not worth many companies even trying for a license Certan is a case in point.
If it varies in anyway including the packaging it requires the application and around £200K, although in terms of Formic pro it has taken longer than that and cost more, we are a tiny proportion of the worlds beehive, it simply is not worth many companies even trying for a license Certan is a case in point.

So you've looked into it as well? Would be interested to know how far you got.
No regs exist to prevent a beekeeper using whatever they like as a “hive cleaner” that includes OA, the regs are there to protect beekeepers from themselves sometimes, so many beekeepers keep OA solution one year to the next, unfortunately it gains strength and damages colonies.

All well and good but now they've brought in mandatory reporting of varroa it's not a big step to bring in mandatory treatment.
We are already required by law to keep records of products added to the hives for treating anything ?
All well and good but now they've brought in mandatory reporting of varroa it's not a big step to bring in mandatory treatment.
That will never happen. What proportion of apiaries are under the radar and where would the money to police it come from? Not a chance
No regs exist to prevent a beekeeper using whatever they like as a “hive cleaner” that includes OA, the regs are there to protect beekeepers from themselves sometimes, so many beekeepers keep OA solution one year to the next, unfortunately it gains strength and damages colonies.
Trying to remember what might happen in a solution of Oxalic Acid, sucrose and water over time and my memory is a bit fuzzy but "gains in strength" doesn't come up as an option.
That will never happen. What proportion of apiaries are under the radar and where would the money to police it come from? Not a chance
I expect changes to the current inspection system over the next few years as DEFRA has lost the 2.7M EU subsidy aimed at beekeepers. Money that they then used to run the bee unit.
Trying to remember what might happen in a solution of Oxalic Acid, sucrose and water over time and my memory is a bit fuzzy but "gains in strength" doesn't come up as an option.
The HMF increases when stored over time.
So you've looked into it as well? Would be interested to know how far you got.
I have not personally done any work on this subject, we have a VMD license and have to do an awful lot of mandatory research on all the product we stock that have licenses, we have learnt a lot from the NOD fiasco, changing containers and the new product that is soon to arrive around 3 years late. It unlikely that Certan will come back to the UK market anytime soon, the market in the UK is too small. The cascade system is in taters at the moment with no one really knowing what is allowed and what isn’t.
I have not personally done any work on this subject, we have a VMD license and have to do an awful lot of mandatory research on all the product we stock that have licenses, we have learnt a lot from the NOD fiasco, changing containers and the new product that is soon to arrive around 3 years late. It unlikely that Certan will come back to the UK market anytime soon, the market in the UK is too small. The cascade system is in taters at the moment with no one really knowing what is allowed and what isn’t.

Cascade is pretty simple really but it's only for vets to use and is meant to be used on a case by case basis rather than for blanket use. However, it's very easy to abuse the cascade (which generally improves patient outcomes!).
No regs exist to prevent a beekeeper using whatever they like as a “hive cleaner” that includes OA, the regs are there to protect beekeepers from themselves sometimes, so many beekeepers keep OA solution one year to the next, unfortunately it gains strength and damages colonies.
Hi, could you clarify what you mean by gains strength from year to year. Thanks.

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