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Field Bee
Apr 3, 2011
Reaction score
East Devon a bit of a green desert!
Hive Type
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I know some you in the North are having a tough winter, but wondered if those in the south are concerned about how much flying their bees are doing, and the implications on stores now and if/when the weather turns.
I know some you in the North are having a tough winter, but wondered if those in the south are concerned about how much flying their bees are doing, and the implications on stores now and if/when the weather turns.

mine seem fine - checked the furthest out apiary yesterday, all fine - the three hives I had earmarked as having much less stores were still fine, so they received a 'just in case' topup as I won't be able to get up there again for a good few weeks.
The later it gets, the shorter time they will be slumbering, so the less winter feed they will need. Bees do not forage for nectar unless there is a net gain. Late brooding bees are your worst enemy - italian strains particularly?

The problem times should not occur until brooding commences in spring - too early and they are more likely to run out of stores before any nectar sources are available. But sensible hefting should indicate any problems at that time. Mine, being on 14 x 12, are fairly bomb-proof re stores for both winter and spring; deeps will be less so. Early brooding and a really cold snap can cause isolation problems, or at least make it worse, if the bees have brood to be kept warm and stores the far side of the hive, I suppose.

But I will cross that 'bridge' only if it arises.
just a piece of fondant - don't usually do it this early, but I'm having the first op on my eyes on Wednesday so it's just one job less to worry about for a month if needs be.

Thanks, I was worrying about doing something similar but for a different reason. Good luck with the op.
Good wishes JBM.. is this going to mean no posts for a while?

Yeghes da

day surgery, I'll have to type a bit slower as one eye will be covered for a while, but you don't get away with it that easily :D
I'm not allowed to relax for too long - got the Christmas day chapel service to organise!!
just a piece of fondant - don't usually do it this early, but I'm having the first op on my eyes on Wednesday so it's just one job less to worry about for a month if needs be.

Lord....someone take his gun off him for a while!
Get well soon!:)
They are forecasting 16 degrees this week in London. That's almost a normal Scottish summer.
Given the recommendation for OA treatment is after a colder spell, what is the thinking around when to treat given this warmer spell. I usually treat between Xmas and New Year on a dry brighter day, but now a little hesitant given high level of activity here in tropical Kent!!
Given the recommendation for OA treatment is after a colder spell, what is the thinking around when to treat given this warmer spell. I usually treat between Xmas and New Year on a dry brighter day, but now a little hesitant given high level of activity here in tropical Kent!!

Hope for a really cold snap over Christmas and then delay for a few weeks