bit baffled?

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mark s

Field Bee
Jun 9, 2009
Reaction score
Isle Of Wight
Hive Type
Number of Hives
16 + 3nuc's
Hi all
Just checked one of my hives and have come home slightly baffled,
Found brood of all stages over two sides of two frames very uniform and clean.
Looked a bit closer and around the sides of the capped brood there were several cells with two and sometimes three eggs in along side other cells with just one egg in,I think this queen is in her second yr as she has a yellow dot on her.
Is this maybe a room issue or something maybe worse??
They are in a national dummied down too five frames,plenty of stores and I'm currently feeding 1:1
Any suggestions as to what might be happening as I've not come across this before, hope I've supplied enough info
Leave it a couple of weeks, sometimes it takes a while for her to get going properly again. I take it there are empty cells for her to lay in. The nurse bees will probably sort out the double eggs before they become Grubs and get capped!
Why are they dummied down to 5 frames with a mature queen?

With two frames solid with brood and "plenty stores" I doubt there can be very much space for hmq to lay in.
And feeding more syrup isn't going to improve things.
Sounds to me like the queens coming into lay and is squirting out too many for the colony to deal with, the limiting factor at this time of year often being not enough energetic workers to clean up enough cells for her to lay in or enough nurses to look after the open brood they already have. The situation may improve when some of the sealed brood hatches. I would agree that stopping the feeding might help until there's enough bees to deal with it but I'd stick to keeping them dummied down until its obvious trhey need more room.
Thanks for all the suggestions will hold off the feeding.
There is deffo plenty of room but will just keep checkin
Multiple eggs usually indicates a laying worker but if the eggs are all right at the bottom of the cells, leave well alone as it will almost certainly come right.