BIBBA Regional meeting In February

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You just know they're all lying when they say the size of the instrument doesn't matter.

Drilling the 0.4mm hole in the sting pullerupper, or what ever it's technical name is.
A nightmare

Did I say i was - just made a comment on your constantly using the word 'English' which, in your arrogance you seem to be referring to the British AMM in general

I read a review today in the torygraph of a program about a year on the highest mountain in Britain, Scafell pike! Lol.
0.2 in a ruby sting hook.

Hi, I'm assuming from your post that you perform Instrumental Insemination. Apologies if I've got it wouldn't be the first time. Do you know of anywhere that provides training for this? I know it's quite specialised, but several of us in our region have been talking about working out how feasible it might be to set up with shared costs. Appreciate any pointers in this direction.
Hi, I'm assuming from your post that you perform Instrumental Insemination. Apologies if I've got it wouldn't be the first time. Do you know of anywhere that provides training for this? I know it's quite specialised, but several of us in our region have been talking about working out how feasible it might be to set up with shared costs. Appreciate any pointers in this direction.

Yes i do perform II, Thymallus.
Micheal Collier at Cornbrook bee farm in Shropshire runs II courses, forum member thebeeman (forum member) also arranges some at his place in Scotland, i think Michael actually goes up there as well.
Appreciate any pointers in this direction.
From the new electronic bibba newsletter:
Instrumental Insemination Workshops
Can now be arranged for groups of 4-6 people who genuinely wish to learn about II or improve their techniques with a view to using this technology in their bee breeding. This is not for those who simply want to "see what it is about" as that would be a waste of limited resources. If you are interested please email me.

Roger Patterson, BIBBA Conference & Workshop Secretary
Again, thanks for that. I'm presuming you need to be a member of BIBBA ......perhaps with my views that might not be such a good idea :) (that's a smiley BTW, but for some reason they don't seem to show as pictures in my mails).
Again, thanks for that. I'm presuming you need to be a member of BIBBA ......perhaps with my views that might not be such a good idea :) (that's a smiley BTW, but for some reason they don't seem to show as pictures in my mails).

Yes you should join BIBBA
Members seem to be very open minded and some keep a variety of honeybee sub species in different locations, and provided you are open minded a lot of members are happy to talk about "transferrable skills"

I know of one lady member who uses Ligurian bees as surrogate mums for her Amm breeding and queen rearing, as she needs the Amm colonies she has to produce mating drones and queens. By clearing the drones from the ligurian bees for the mating nucs, she seems to have quite good sucesses in open mating in the isolated mating apiary.

My isolated mating apiary has a constant on shore breeze ( force 9 last night 50+ mph!)

I am interested in Instrumental insemination as I can forsee a problem ( for me and Amms) if another beekeeper should set up shop too close to me.
Fortunately my wifes Uncle owns all of the land in this area and will not allow his tennants to keep bees ( not without asking me first)
May seem a bit draconian, but we have not yet had a problem.

Interesting debate

What size jar did you use for the rollmop?

Fortunately my wifes Uncle owns all of the land in this area and will not allow his tenants to keep bees ( not without asking me first)
May seem a bit draconian, but we have not yet had a problem.

I'm presuming the problem you don't have is that of any mixed crosses cos no-other bees near enough to mate with yours. If the number of hives currently ascribed to your avatar is still only 7, where do you import your fresh genetic material from to prevent inbreeding?
I've also heard that Devonian and Cornish bees are reknown for being a bit feisty.....until sufficiently inbred. How are yours temper wise?

What size jar did you use for the rollmop?
LOL and you accuse me of being a troll.....look in the mirror mate!
Very placid
I have no wish to divulge the number of colonies I keep
I do have at least 7 WBC hives

Everyone knows Trolls can not see their true reflection in a mirror, but only in a still stream fed pool untouched by mankind
Try to keep up to date with your Tolkein!

I've also heard that Devonian and Cornish bees are reknown for being a bit feisty.....until sufficiently inbred.


Where on Earth did you hear that from?

Must be on the Trollmeisters forum!

Censored, as out of order joke....apologies
Apologies to any PC members for any offence as non intended/
I'll get my coat.
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From the new electronic bibba newsletter:
Instrumental Insemination Workshops
Can now be arranged for groups of 4-6 people who genuinely wish to learn about II or improve their techniques with a view to using this technology in their bee breeding. This is not for those who simply want to "see what it is about" as that would be a waste of limited resources. If you are interested please email me.

Roger Patterson, BIBBA Conference & Workshop Secretary

BioVenom of Korea have a bueat of a bit of kit for AI./ II at around USD5500 Has integral stereo scope ( £3300? in 2012) not sure about consumeables suppy and cost as I make my own, last sting hook I bought was well over £50, and needle about the same ( for one!!)
Then you nees a food standard CO2 supply and a lot of virgin queens!


BioVenom of Korea have a bueat of a bit of kit for AI./ II at around USD5500 Has integral stereo scope ( £3300? in 2012) not sure about consumeables suppy and cost as I make my own, last sting hook I bought was well over £50, and needle about the same ( for one!!)
Then you nees a food standard CO2 supply and a lot of virgin queens!

I think it would somehow take away some of the spiritual enjoyment of beekeeping if I was to start mechanically raping my charges, I know that makes no practical sense but it's something I seriously considered to advance my bee breeding but discarded as a way forward for myself, not to mention the expense of the kit and the complexity of the procedures.
I think it would somehow take away some of the spiritual enjoyment of beekeeping if I was to start mechanically raping my charges, I know that makes no practical sense but it's something I seriously considered to advance my bee breeding but discarded as a way forward for myself, not to mention the expense of the kit and the complexity of the procedures.

AI of course is the method used to breed hybrid "B" bees as open mating may not give the |"exact"| genetic hybridisation required by the breeder. Although I believe the Danish do use open mating on VERY isolated islands

Much the same for Amms.
Another tool in the big box of bee improvement methodology, for those who have the time money and expertise to use it.

Getting back to the OP now!!!


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