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Queen Bee
May 19, 2014
Reaction score
Vale of Glamorgan
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Possibly...5 and a bit...depends on the bees.
Home again ...Goodies left in the boot as a cuppa called loudly to
Lots of trade stands and quite busy when we got there mid morning. Browsing was much easier in the afternoon. So many things to look at and marvel over.
I took a flow frame with me as I wanted to see how they would fit into a poly hive....rather disappointed that there were so few Langstroths to see. We did manage to bring a Honey Paw langstroth home though and have lots of ideas for conversion. Everyone was really helpful and enthusiastic.
BB wear had some bargains...lucky for me....I shall be in the Pink and 'appy in Aqua this summer.
Also some interesting little feeders for syrup or fondant. They are made from clear a quick peek will show whether they need topping up.
Honey buckets at a great price too.
And finally...hive straps...I never seem to have enough....some of the longer ones this time as the silly short ones are a right irritation.
Last but definitely not least...met up with some old friends...and some old/new friends from here...lovely to put faces to names at last. Great chat and I think everyone is looking forward to OPENING THE HIVES...ha ha....I think this summer might be fun.
Lots more stands this year - but I thought it was a lot busier than last year and despite pre-ordering it took me longer to get round. Some surprising differences in the customer service provided by the big suppliers.
i overheard an official saying the attendance was a record by 1;00pm, to me it seemed longer queues for everything than last year
Lots more stands this year - but I thought it was a lot busier than last year and despite pre-ordering it took me longer to get round. Some surprising differences in the customer service provided by the big suppliers.


The Paynes "deliver your purchases to your car" service was excellent..
Took my elderly bee buddy and arrived about 09:20. It was beginning to get busy. I traded some wax and picked up my pre-ordered purchase from T-----s. When I went into the hall it was very busy but stands were well spaced and you could move around easily. I thought the atmosphere was very calm and pleasant. People passing the time of day and just enjoying themselves. Bumped into one or two colleagues and had a chat with Clive de Bruyn about the origin of the honeybee.
After lunch visited the NBU stand and met Pete who I had corresponded with last year by private message. A little later he informed me I had just missed JBM, pity, I would have liked to have been introduced. We verbally spar with others on the forum and it would be nice to be able to put a face to some of the characters.
The show thinned out well in the afternoon and I had some interesting chats to a couple of the stall holders. Incidentally on my first recce around the hall T-----s price for national brood foundation was the best by £1.
I ended up spending more money than I should but I arrived home thinking what a pleasant day I had enjoyed.
The thing which amazed me was the size of some of the wax blocks people was trading in.
Stan and I had done our shopping by 10.30 by which time some of the queues were quite substantial.
I wanted to look at the Honey Paw hives ( as recommended by finman)
There is a national size in the offing.
Didn't spend much more than I had planned.
We left home early without breakfast intending to buy the usual bacon rolls at the fair, only to find there were none. Otherwise We enjoyed the show and bought a lot of goodies. We will bring our own food next year.
We left home early without breakfast intending to buy the usual bacon rolls at the fair, only to find there were none. Otherwise We enjoyed the show and bought a lot of goodies. We will bring our own food next year.

If i /we go to any show or event these days i take a Thermos flask, ill be damned if i am going to pay £1.50 for a cup of tea that resembles milky water, we also take our own food £2 for one slice of cold burnt fat filled bacon in a dry bun with no butter does not float my boat.. lol
I just skip lunch and have a great pub meal with a couple of decent pints........which is exactly what we did :)
I just skip lunch and have a great pub meal with a couple of decent pints........which is exactly what we did :)

Now you are talking..:rolleyes: however if i have to drive i dare not touch a drop of ale so pub meals are out of the question. if i see the pints flowing i would not be able to help myself :D
Throughly enjoyed my first trip to something like the Bee Tradex got there for 10:30 and yes was busier than I expected and long queues I thought I would nosey round first and then decide what to buy. But then realised that was a mistake when I went back to buy my poly nuc box they were sold out, I wanted a new lift hive tool from T and there were none left! No more buckets at Bee Equip so I had to settle for buckets from another supplier. Mental note for next year a) order online before hand, b) get there early buy quickly then stroll around and pick up any other bits you might see. Lastly budget a little more than I did this time!! Oh and don't let SWMBO know what that budget is!

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Now you are talking..:rolleyes: however if i have to drive i dare not touch a drop of ale so pub meals are out of the question. if i see the pints flowing i would not be able to help myself :D

We stayed in Warwick in a hotel with a pub attached....8 craft ale hand pulls :winner1st:
I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't more. All the hype was that it was bigger this year and in a different hall, it wasn't, I also don't think that they prices were as good as last year, one thing on my shopping list was more Swi-Bine mating Nucs but they were £16.00 at last years show they were £8.00.
I ended up with a few of the Cyprus Mating Nucs from Thornes which were about £8.00 so we will see how they go.
also, disappointed that there were no Bacon of Sausage offerings but hey ho.

I collected my pre ordered Maisey hives which I had to make a special trip to pay for at their shop a couple of weeks ago. (all bee stuff I buy is cash to avoid the OH knowing what I spend) I was told that these prices were only available if paid in advance so imagine my face when I get there and the prices were exactly the same as the pre pay only offer!

all in all though I did enjoy the day and came home with a pick up truck full of equipment which should keep me going for a while.

I did pick up some of the eight way bee escapes for clearer boards to give them a try, anyone used them before?

also, did anyone see the two gents selling Bee suits near the middle on a table?

quality looked pretty good but the price was unbelievable, £20 for a full suit and £15 for a top half!

I've requested a kids suit for my lad as they sadly lost some of their stock at the airport.
I did hear tell that Beetradex and the spring convention would combine next year.
I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't more. All the hype was that it was bigger this year and in a different hall, it wasn't, I also don't think that they prices were as good as last year, one thing on my shopping list was more Swi-Bine mating Nucs but they were £16.00 at last years show they were £8.00.
I ended up with a few of the Cyprus Mating Nucs from Thornes which were about £8.00 so we will see how they go.
also, disappointed that there were no Bacon of Sausage offerings but hey ho.

I collected my pre ordered Maisey hives which I had to make a special trip to pay for at their shop a couple of weeks ago. (all bee stuff I buy is cash to avoid the OH knowing what I spend) I was told that these prices were only available if paid in advance so imagine my face when I get there and the prices were exactly the same as the pre pay only offer!

all in all though I did enjoy the day and came home with a pick up truck full of equipment which should keep me going for a while.

I did pick up some of the eight way bee escapes for clearer boards to give them a try, anyone used them before?

also, did anyone see the two gents selling Bee suits near the middle on a table?

quality looked pretty good but the price was unbelievable, £20 for a full suit and £15 for a top half!

I've requested a kids suit for my lad as they sadly lost some of their stock at the airport.

Well the depreciation of sterling has added at least 20% to prices, and the price of oil has risen...
The SwiBines are imported and made of oil..

Edit I bought a veil/hat as a standalone for £2 from Simon The Beekeeper...
Fab day out and managed to get my better half so interested in bees that she bought a BB suit. :eek:

Also spent way too much and came back with 2 microscopes, another paynes poly hive and loads of bits & pieces. Have to agree that the tactic of walk recce and buy later didn't work as lots sold out fast !
Fab day out and managed to get my better half so interested in bees that she bought a BB suit. :eek:

Also spent way too much and came back with 2 microscopes, another paynes poly hive and loads of bits & pieces. Have to agree that the tactic of walk recce and buy later didn't work as lots sold out fast !

I went with a todo list, arrived at 9.00am and bought everything on the todo list. Then at around 10.30am had a coffee and walked round...
I went with a todo list, arrived at 9.00am and bought everything on the todo list. Then at around 10.30am had a coffee and walked round...

Good ploy.
I had an extensive pre-order which was in the car by 9.10 and then had a walk round and bought some more.....but not much :)

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