Bad sting reaction

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New Bee
Nov 3, 2016
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This is my second year keeping bees and having been stung many times thought I had some degree of immunity, however after being stung yesterday on the neck within half and hour had developed hives all over arms and legs .
I was wondering if anybody else has had a similar reaction and carried on successfully without the reactions getting worse each time .
Could get better, could get worse. Sorry no straight answer. I would take precautions next time you go near them, such as take an antihistamine half an hour beforehand, have a friend and mobile with you in case it gets a lot worse. Hope it settles. Usually does.
Dr. Ex
Doesn't seem to be any consistency or logical pattern to reactions from stings. Last year I was stung a massive total of 5 times. Only 1 had any reaction, my whole hand was swollen for about a week. The rest ranged from nothing to slight itching for a couple of hours. Been stung twice so far this year, my own stupid fault being a bit clumsy, and no reaction at all.
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I had a sting on each hand last weekend and still look like a crab with massive claws. The histamines response in the body is a bit of a mystery in terms of if we will or wont react. Ive been advised by my doc that the drug used in piriton (cheaper own brand products toowith same drug) works better than most for bee stings. And slso not to use ibuprofen for swelling as it can make it worse.
Stung on hand last week, between thumb and forefinger. It become swollen and red, and itched like mad. Lasted 2/3 days. Was glad to see the end of it.

Heard somewhere the sting causes the body to make cortisone (or is it the sting contains cortisone?) and that might possibly be a good thing for the body. I ain't no doctor though, as you can tell :D
A friend got stung on the neck last year, had a massive reaction that led to a blue light trip to A&E. He went to Southampton hospital for allergy test, but nothing found.

He has been stung since, with normal reaction. He does have an epipen, just in case.
I get a reasonably strong local reaction when stung on the back of the hand - swells up for 2 days. Looks bad but not particularly sore.

Strangely the same is not true when I'm stung on the fingers. Little or no reaction?

Last year I was stung on the neck but no major reaction. I was expecting worse.

I suck a Pirotin or Ceterine ( cheaper alternative ) tablet immediately when stung. I also heard that Ibrufen can increase the reaction so I no longer use it.

The hives on your body are a sign of a secondary reaction and should be watched. The hive reaction happened to me once but I had a cold the same time. It has not happened since. Perhaps the cold that made my immune system go into over-ride when stung. If it happens to you regularly consult a doctor.

I now wear white cotton gloves under my Nitrile gloves. The stings rarely make it through the extra layer and the cotton absorbs the inevitable sweat!
Not expensive and available from your local pharmacy.
This is my second year keeping bees and having been stung many times thought I had some degree of immunity, however after being stung yesterday on the neck within half and hour had developed hives all over arms and legs .
I was wondering if anybody else has had a similar reaction and carried on successfully without the reactions getting worse each time .

Could get better, could get worse. Sorry no straight answer. I would take precautions next time you go near them, such as take an antihistamine half an hour beforehand, have a friend and mobile with you in case it gets a lot worse. Hope it settles. Usually does.
Dr. Ex

As drex, I had similar, stung on the neck, I had hives, wheezing and sensitivity to light. I chew a piriton tablet beforehand and carry a pack with me.
Thanks for the replies, when to the Doctors last week and given strong antihistamines and an epipen for just in case . Got stung again yesterday on the hand and had a normal reaction , a bit of swelling . So I don’t know what to think .
Thanks for the replies, when to the Doctors last week and given strong antihistamines and an epipen for just in case . Got stung again yesterday on the hand and had a normal reaction , a bit of swelling . So I don’t know what to think .

On the subject of epipens, where to get one? Can a doctor prescribe them? Or how much to buy?
You may have been stung close to lymph gland/node which might account for an abnormal reaction. Suggest you sit back and see what happens next?
Doesn't seem to be any consistency or logical pattern to reactions from stings. Last year I was stung a massive total of 5 times. Only 1 had any reaction, my whole hand was swollen for about a week. The rest ranged from nothing to slight itching for a couple of hours. Been stung twice so far this year, my own stupid fault being a bit clumsy, and no reaction at all.
I got stung 13 times in 2hrs last week doing a cut out in someone's loft, and I get stung every week due to number of hives I have and swarms I deal with, and 2stings tonight from a swarm, just walking upto them they were all over me.


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I got stung 13 times in 2hrs last week doing a cut out in someone's loft, and I get stung every week due to number of hives I have and swarms I deal with, and 2stings tonight from a swarm, just walking upto them they were all over me.

Get a Oz Armour be suit :spy:
Get a Oz Armour be suit :spy:

Im looking at them already as I'm pushing my luck with my allergy its only time before I will need to use my Epipens again and end up in hospital.
Stung on friday, side of the knee.

Swollen knee, calf and ankle. Couldn't believe the swelling spread as far as it did! Itchy as frig too. Knee was sore when walking too. Worse reaction so far I'd say.

On the subject of epipens, if I got one... at what point would you need to use it? How bad should a reaction be to use it?
You'd know because it can only be prescribed by your doctor. Do not be tempted to buy on the black market. Lots of falsified medicines out there on the internet.