An alternative to oxalic - it's the real thing!

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International Beekeeper of Mystery
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 30, 2011
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Too many - but not nearly enough
Spoke to a fellow beek at the association AGM last evening - although a 'conventional' beekeeper he likes to experiment with alternative methods of varroa control (has made up his own recipe thymol treatment for years), his latest idea, after seeing the news that Indian farmers are using coca cola as a cheap alternative insecticide, and knowing that coke is high in phosphoric acid is to use coke (full fat not the diet stuff!) instead of OA. He's treated one hive so far and has noted a decent mite drop. He now plans to do a more structured test with some of his other hives.Could this be a softer alternative to 'nasty' OA? after all - we give it to our kids! and if you go to Tesco you can buy one - and get one free!!!!
(I can just picture Finman now - going purple and screaming at the computer screen :D)
What about Pepsi will that work as well?
We used to drop a dirty penny into coke and watch it clean the penny in seconds, im not sure i would like to give it to the bees if it still does that to a penny.

ps I dont allow my kids to drink it either
... his latest idea, after seeing the news that Indian farmers are using coca cola as a cheap alternative insecticide, and knowing that coke is high in phosphoric acid is to use coke (full fat not the diet stuff!) instead of OA. He's treated one hive so far and has noted a decent mite drop.,,
The brown colouring in cola is caramel. Burnt sugar. High in HMF. Humans tolerate highish levels, bees don't. The quantities used might mean the net effect is small but things are unlikely to go better with coke.
I think I'll start using a shovel to flip my burgers too
Used to clean brake discs with Coke.
The brown colouring in cola is caramel. Burnt sugar. High in HMF. Humans tolerate highish levels, bees don't. The quantities used might mean the net effect is small but things are unlikely to go better with coke.


Also, though it may be in syrup, the acid is an *inorganic* one - rather different to formic, lactic and oxalic.
Anyone fancy trying diluted battery acid? (I don't!)

Don't do this at home.
What I want to know is what made him put coca cola on his bees in the first place....has he tried gin yet!
Oxalic,formic,citric,acetic ect, many of the acids will kill varroa, but they could also kill the bees, the trick is getting it right to kill a bug that lives on a bug.
Umm. Don't get it. I dont really eat burgers. Just an example of using a clumsy tool when there is an existing one perfect for the job
Nothing wrong with horsemeat burgers. Have knowingly eaten them before and very tasty too.

Going way back I was a ships officer, and as Chief Officer was in charge of the cargo. I well remember loading 3500 tons of frozen horsemeat in Mazatlan in Mexico. The meat for for discharge in Tokyo and Kobe along with the balance of the 8000 tonnes of cargo we had (the rest was frozen shrimps, but BIG ones and I'm sure they would be sold as prawns).

The consignee was the Japanese version of a certain hamburger company closely associated with golden arches...............

This WAS over 30 years ago.

Coke to kill varroa? Well some have already mentioned the hmf and I really would not think it a good thing to give to bees, and unless he is able to get to the magic 98% clear out then it is no new miracle alternative and at best would be a supplementary treatment.
I'm off to Fidl to buy some Safeway Cola to test.

I found Coke ideal to dissolve rust when two parts were rusted together. (Vinegar also).

Both are equally bad for one's teeth..

I personally don't drink the stuff - too much sugar - and would not experiment with my bees...
I found Coke ideal to dissolve rust

And oxalic acid solution would not do the same? (well at least soften it). You can drink the dilute phosphoric acid (coke) but should not drink dilute oxalic acid. Further, oxalic is used for cleaning brass items on a routine basis, by some.
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We used to drop a dirty penny into coke and watch it clean the penny in seconds,

And we used Oxalic to clean the brasswork on board our boats as well!

What I want to know is what made him put coca cola on his bees in the first place....has he tried gin yet!

I think it was prompetd by the news article on Indian farmers using coke as an insecticide:

(yes, I know, he reads the guardian - that's retired coppers for you)

And knowing Jeff, if he thinks it will work on the bees, yes, he'd try gin :D
And we used Oxalic to clean the brasswork on board our boats as well!

Strips of Brasso wadding on top of frames then?

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