Advice needed

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New Bee
Oct 14, 2021
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Hi all
I am not a beekeeper. I am very much interested in bees, happy to learn but know a bit more than the common person.

I have a free flow hive which is in a raised boarder.

The person who put this in and was managing it has been unavailable to check it for several months now and I think I need to help out by trying my best to ensure these amazing bees are ok.

I have several concerns.
The first one is that is directly on the mud. I am assuming this is not ideal. I cannot find a suitable stand so was going to make one out of some spare 3x1 timber I have.

Knocking up a solid stand should be easy. The problem is how can I move the hive, install the stand and move it back safely. I do not have a beekeepers outfit or a smoker. I am fine with spending some money on kit but I also don't want to do anything silly.

I had planned on getting a suit, smoker, closing the doors of the hive in the evening. Strapping it all together and then moving it out of the way to install the stand. The working backwards, moving the hive on to the stand, removing the straps, opening the doors.

I am also unfamiliar with the hive and if it's in a good or bad state with the bees. Looking through the side windows there doesn't seem to be any activity. Could that be closed off still?

I look out at it all day in my office and want to make sure I have done everything to ensure they are doing ok in the absence of a friend who can't come to help.

Any help and advice would really help. Thanks
Without writing reams - suggest you simply contact your local beekeeping association and ask directly for a little help. I don't know where in uk you are so I cant look up "a local to you association" for you.
You may even find a member of this forum is nearby enough to help out.
Thanks for the reply. I am in Brentwood Essex. I will have a look for someone local unless someone local replies.

Whereabouts are you? I'm NE Hampshire and happy to take look with you if you're relatively close.

What you're suggesting in principle is sensible, I'd second what Murox says. I'd also speak to the person who put it in to let them know your plans... If they're just not making time for it rather than having something stopping them then I reckon it might encourage them to check it.

EDIT: Brentwood is a bit far for me but there are a couple on here who are closer and might be up for it.
Thanks. I will mention it to him to ensure he is aware.

I have contacted Chelmsford beekeeping association to see if they can help.

Thanks again for all the comments!

Whereabouts are you? I'm NE Hampshire and happy to take look with you if you're relatively close.

What you're suggesting in principle is sensible, I'd second what Murox says. I'd also speak to the person who put it in to let them know your plans... If they're just not making time for it rather than having something stopping them then I reckon it might encourage them to check it.

EDIT: Brentwood is a bit far for me but there are a couple on here who are closer and might be up for it.
Thanks very much everyone! Really appreciate all the help so far! I have emailed John from Braintree as well as the Chelmsford association email
I am also unfamiliar with the hive and if it's in a good or bad state with the bees.
You're right, NBW, with winter on the way they ought to be checked.

Paras Shah is our Epping Forest BKA Treasurer and runs only Flowhives (and I can put you in touch with him) but the Flowhive bit is irrelevant at this time of year, when instead the health and status of the colony is paramount.

The Flow is just the box on top where bees put honey; the real work is down below in the standard Langstroth brood box.

I'll be in the Brentwood area next week and if you like, could pass by and give them the once-over.
I would be very very grateful if you could swing by and check the colony out.

I will PM you. thanks again!

The Chinese FlowHive have a solid bottom, so it would not bother the bees being on directly on ground. However I think the hive would not have a long shelf life being on the ground, so a Stand would be appropriate or even on concrete blocks.

Also I would remove the Super as the bees don't need the additional space.

You might need to get an crown board as the one that comes with the chinese hive is a mesh, during winter all the warmth will go up, and the bees would work double hard. Might want to consider insulating that area.

You are in good hands with Eric.

Good luck

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