Vermont Anti Neonic Bill

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Nov 5, 2013
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St. Albans, Vermont
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Bill H-706 in the Vermont House of Representatives, the anti-neonic bill, has passed 112-29.
After seeing my bees poisoned by maize seeds coated by Clothianadin there is hope. Now the bill goes to the Vermont
Senate. This will be more difficult. Trapped pollen in my Cell Building apiary had 10.75 ppb Clothianadin this summer.
At 1 ppb, measurable damage can be found in honey bee colonies. At 5 ppb, almost half the queens are superseded.
At 10.75 ppb, in my queen cell building apiary??
I'll be at the Vermont Senate when they call me to testify. Think I have anything to say? You bet I do.
Bill H-706 in the Vermont House of Representatives, the anti-neonic bill, has passed 112-29.
After seeing my bees poisoned by maize seeds coated by Clothianadin there is hope. Now the bill goes to the Vermont
Senate. This will be more difficult. Trapped pollen in my Cell Building apiary had 10.75 ppb Clothianadin this summer.
At 1 ppb, measurable damage can be found in honey bee colonies. At 5 ppb, almost half the queens are superseded.
At 10.75 ppb, in my queen cell building apiary??
I'll be at the Vermont Senate when they call me to testify. Think I have anything to say? You bet I do.
Michael. Good luck. It’s a dreadful thing for the bees and your livelihood.
Bill H-706 in the Vermont House of Representatives, the anti-neonic bill, has passed 112-29.
After seeing my bees poisoned by maize seeds coated by Clothianadin there is hope. Now the bill goes to the Vermont
Senate. This will be more difficult. Trapped pollen in my Cell Building apiary had 10.75 ppb Clothianadin this summer.
At 1 ppb, measurable damage can be found in honey bee colonies. At 5 ppb, almost half the queens are superseded.
At 10.75 ppb, in my queen cell building apiary??
I'll be at the Vermont Senate when they call me to testify. Think I have anything to say? You bet I do.
When we were chatting at dinner in Athlone this seemed to be the subject that got you most animated, so it's great that some movement is happening there. However, even in Europe there are plenty of loopholes that are exploited, and I would be surprised if it was any better in NE. However I hope your state government make the right decision for the bees, the environment & the future. If your bees are hurt by this stuff, I can only guess at the impact on solitary/bumble bees.
Do it apply the dog flea treatments?
Perkins, R., Barron, L., Glauser, G., Whitehead, M., Woodward, G., Goulson, D., 2024. Down-the-drain pathways for fipronil and imidacloprid applied as spot-on parasiticides to dogs: Estimating aquatic pollution. Science of The Total Environment 917, 170175.
In 2017, I was a member of the Vermont Pollinator Protection Committee. Our final decision about neonics was to ban outdoor homeowner use, regulate agricultural use using an IPM approach. Pet flea and tick treatments were approved. The homeowner ban became law and those products are no longer available. The agriculture regulation was shot down by the legislature.
Do it apply the dog flea treatments?
Perkins, R., Barron, L., Glauser, G., Whitehead, M., Woodward, G., Goulson, D., 2024. Down-the-drain pathways for fipronil and imidacloprid applied as spot-on parasiticides to dogs: Estimating aquatic pollution. Science of The Total Environment 917, 170175.
Chemical horticulture uses imidacloprid for drenches against vine weevil in potted plants.. why put it on dogs. Bad stuff,
Yes, i have lost a dog to tick fever and friends have had it. It is not nice. You have to react quite quickly. But i have also seen peaple at work get very sick from pesticides. In the eastern pasts of South Africa peaple still spray DDT against malaria in and around their houses. I guess one can argue for both sides.
seen a cousin die from it
It's a very difficult disease to diagnose in humans - the symptons are flu like, aching joints, general feeling of unwellness and occasionally a high temperature .. the only way to be sure is a blood test and early on it is treatable. The problem is that people tend to think it's just flu and leave it and live with it for weeks or months and the risk is the bacteria moves to the brain or the heart and then you are in serious trouble.

If you have had a tick attach to you and you are in a known Lyme disease area - get the GP to request a blood test - you may get resistance from the GP as it's a rare disease in humans but better safe than sorry. Insist .. take a photo of the tick on your leg to show the GP and don't squeeze the tick when you take it off - use the dog's tick removal tool.
Are they applying fipronil every month to dogs and cats in the US? e.g. subscription
I use the Seresto collar on my dog and our cat that spends most of his time outdoors. We have a serious Lyme problem here.
With no protection the animals come home covered with engorged ticks. The collar remains active for 6-8 months. The collar's active ingredients are imidacloprid and flumethrin. Our snow just melted and I expect the ticks will be active the apiaries. No, I don't wear a collar.