Horizontal hive posting

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Sep 4, 2011
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I feel sure that not long ago someone posted a link to/photos of a long hive that was, well, perhaps somewhat over-engineered, even having gas struts to support a hinged roof. Anyone remember anything about it? Because I just can't find the posting any more.

If we're going DIY then I want this one.

View attachment 39675

Probably intended to increase the number of drones in the area - Parthenogenesis (I knew there would be the benefit of a classical education eventually .. albeit 60 years on !)
Aha! That's the one! Thank you. I just couldn't remember the name of it at all.

and there's a new kid on the block as well - they had a stand at the Telford event this spring. it seems long national deep hives are now the 'in' thing for backyard beekeepers (with loads of money!)
and there's a new kid on the block as well - they had a stand at the Telford event this spring. it seems long national deep hives are now the 'in' thing for backyard beekeepers (with loads of money!)

If this comes off at least I won't be paying, and it's for someone who can only stand for short periods and uses a wheelchair the rest of the time so I thought I'd offer a few options.

If this comes off at least I won't be paying, and it's for someone who can only stand for short periods and uses a wheelchair the rest of the time so I thought I'd offer a few options.

I must say, having stood and chatted with the Hyde hives lads during the pre lockdown tradex (they had the stand next to us at Bees Abroad) the hive is a work of art, very well made, practical, but obviously as much a decoration as a practical hive - bonus of course is - no supers
I must say, having stood and chatted with the Hyde hives lads during the pre lockdown tradex (they had the stand next to us at Bees Abroad) the hive is a work of art, very well made, practical, but obviously as much a decoration as a practical hive - bonus of course is - no supers
Pity such hives are too small and are a paradise for swarms.. (Based on my experience with TBHs)
EDIT:But with 40 frames - for two colonies - maybe not.
My Swienty one home made has 30 National deep frames. The one thing in retrospect is that the bees are keen to raise brood horizontally but storage of nectar tended to be above the brood all the way along. I think that a super above the brood would be a better idea and the Dartington hive and others addresses that issue. I am going to measure up and see if I can accomplish this . Of course a hinged roof would have to go with a roof which would lift off. Still wouldn't be too high for someone with a bad back.
My Swienty one home made has 30 National deep frames. The one thing in retrospect is that the bees are keen to raise brood horizontally but storage of nectar tended to be above the brood all the way along. I think that a super above the brood would be a better idea and the Dartington hive and others addresses that issue. I am going to measure up and see if I can accomplish this . Of course a hinged roof would have to go with a roof which would lift off. Still wouldn't be too high for someone with a bad back.
I've found that, whilst they do store honey above the brood nest they also make full frames of stores to the outside of the brood area. My entrance is in the middle of the hive (which is triple walled and heavily insulated) and by the end of the season there was usually 2 or 3 full frames of honey at either end of the occupied frames. They are 14 x 12 and feeding them up for winter would back fill the brood nest.
If this comes off at least I won't be paying, and it's for someone who can only stand for short periods and uses a wheelchair the rest of the time so I thought I'd offer a few options.

I have a long Hyde hive for sale with gas struts and two full colonies at each end if any one is interested ? Just sayin 🤔🧐🐝
I just watched the video on Hyde Hives about installing the bees in the hive. He has more bees over his backside than he had in the Hive. Made me smile if nothing else.

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