Which way up - rhombus clearer board?

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Ahh, the wonders of the search function! I needed an answer and there it is. Thanks everyone, I need to increase the depth on my crown board or make a little eke....

Or even a big eke! I reckon the rhombus wants at least a couple of inches (5cm+) clear space below it.
Naturally, you also need to ensure that there is plenty space for the bees, with you taking away one or more boxes. So, at this time of year, you could lift off your super(s) for harvest, add their replacement(s) then the rhombus, then the boxes to be cleared. Clear them into some space, rather than squashing them tight.
All my clearing boards have rhombus escapes - a la polyhive - cut in half and fixed over inch and three quarter diameter (45mm or whatever the convenient hole cutter bit I had to hand) holes in diagonally opposite corners all the rims are three quarter inches (about 17-18 mm) deep. I've never had a problem with them. Not that it matters how deep the rims are as they aren't on long enough for the bees to do anything in the space.
I have one with rhombus cut in half and fitted in the corners, couple with 100mm holes, and some with 35mm hole.

All work.

The ones with 35 mm holes I have made so the escape is detachable and they double as crown boards and feeder boards as rapid feeder fits over hole.
Excellent food for thought and design, thanks. From the novice perspective, all the pictures of a rhombus escape fitted are upside down. Which makes sense because it would just be a board with a hole in it the right way up!

I received my crown board which, in my naivety I thought would work as a rhombus clearer. It turned out not to be WBC so I spent a happy half hour reducing it in size to fit.

All of which begs the question, if I enjoyed doing that why not make my own? So, I shall... but probably not the lifts.

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