When to move hives

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House Bee
Mar 9, 2021
Reaction score
Rossendale, Lancashire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
I have to move a hive a distance of approx 25 mins drive along tarmac roads to the new home.
The plan is to seal the entrance just before dark when the field bees are inside, strap and load into my Defender and transport. Hive has OMF for ventilation and the Defender is as draughty as hell.
Option 1 - Seal, strap, load, transport and locate same day - arrival will be after dark down a very uneven stretch of track followed by a 30m walk on uneven field also in the dark.
Option 2 - Seal at night and transport and locate early the next day when the last part will be safer in daylight.
Is there a preferable way or does it matter?
Also what are the views on chocking the frames to reduce movement on our wonderful potholed highways?
Option 2 is safer.
Align the hive in the car so the frames run front to rear and not sideways. Rock from cornering is therefore reduced. Strap the hive down so it cannot move inside the car. Ensure a full complement of frames so no internal frame movement is possible.
Deliver to new location , put in place and leave 15 minutes to allow the bees to settle before opening..
If on OMF then closing in at night and moving the next morning isn't an issue.
I also orientate the hive sin the vehicle so frames are cold way and can't rock under braking , alternatively orientate the colonies on the diagonal if space allows.
Yes option 2
It’s what we did when Stan and I moved to Wales. Loaded the hives into transport then set off next morning. Even for a short journey I would either prop the crownboard up at each corner or use a travel screen.
option 2, it's how I usually move mine (even between two out apiaries) strap them up and close them in in the evening and load them into the truck, drive home and leave them in the drive with the rear open overnight then an early start to their new home in the morning
chocking the frames to reduce movement
Yes, twigs stuck between end wall and end frame will stop movement. Direction of frames in line with direction of travel: provided twigs are fitted I load the boxes either way. Travel screens and/or good ventilation are more important.
Big thanks to all who advised. Option 2 taken. Cold day so bees were happy to stay indoors. Similarly, no overheating probems on the journey. Siting the hive was simple as only I was daft enough to struggle in the hailstorms. Bees knew better and ate lunch inside.

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