Views on this extractor for my expected future needs

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House Bee
Jun 15, 2020
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Hi All,

I have currently been borrowing an extractor from my local BKA, which is obviously very economical but does have some down sides. Basically I have decided that I think it would be best to get my own extractor in time for next season.

I currently have 4 productive hives (plus a couple of new colonies that haven't produced this season) and intend to get up to ~10/12 hives in the next year or two.

What are your thoughts on this extractor?

Electric 12 Frame Radial Extractor - MINIMA LINE - Welcome to Abelo's Beekeeping Supplies

Is it a decent choice for my future needs or am I looking ott or underspecced? I think I want electric as it would free me up to uncap while spinning etc.

I see abelo get decent feedback on this forum so think that they are a decent choice rather than simply looking for the cheapest.

I am open to suggestions and have not ruled out anything at this point (well maybe I have ruled out manual 4 frame extractors tbh!).

Thanks in advance.
It looks like it takes 12 shallow (Ideal?) frames, which nearly all mine are, but I wonder if it would suit your frame size?
You both make a good point. I currently only extract supers but added versatility may prove useful in future.

Radial does have the advantage of not having to switch half way too. Hmm decisions decisions.
You both make a good point. I currently only extract supers but added versatility may prove useful in future.

Radial does have the advantage of not having to switch half way too. Hmm decisions decisions.
You're better off calling Damian for a chat, he will usually do a deal - with a radial you can always spend a bit extra (or haggle) for some tangental screens to convert your radial when you need to extract deep frames.
Another thumbs up for the Minima range from Lyson, and of course Abelo who were excellent.
You're better off calling Damian for a chat, he will usually do a deal - with a radial you can always spend a bit extra (or haggle) for some tangental screens to convert your radial when you need to extract deep frames.
Hmm I tried haggling with them for a 20 frame to no avail, I asked them to trough in tangental but oh they had none in stock 😡
I have the same number of productive hives as you, and I have a 12 frame extractor, used for the first time this season. It's rather large, difficult to store and manoeuvre. With hindsight I should have got a nine framer. I always find the slowest part of harvesting is in the uncapping, and would be happy to have nine frames spinning away while I uncap the next nine.
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Thanks Guys. Very useful feedback all round. Much appreciated.