Urgent! Help please - supersedure and swarm cells

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New Bee
May 15, 2016
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I'm a new beekeeper (about 2 months in) and so far, all has been well. I added my second super on last week as comb was drawn in the first one.
I went to do my inspection today and I'm now confused.

In my first super, on one frame there are sealed brood, including a supersedure cell and a swarm cell. I have a queen excluder on and there are only eggs on one frame. When an experienced beekeeper did an inspection with me when I first started, he did comment that my queen was quite small so I'm wondering if she can fit through the excluder.

In the brood box, there were also a number of swarm cells along the bottom of frames, including some sealed ones. The queen was present in the brood box and there were new eggs.

I don't really know what to do so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I've uploaded some pictures here


Great pics....
Queen didnt look that small to me.
Good brood pattern
I would check qc are charged and if so make a nuc with queen and let them get on with it....
There did seem a lot of dark comb but it could be pics of same comb from different angles, not quite sure

Great to look at, im sat in caravan in rainy, ney, pissing down, anglesey, wishing i was home with my bees.
Hopefully the wine will help.........

I'm a new beekeeper (about 2 months in) and so far, all has been well. I added my second super on last week as comb was drawn in the first one.
I went to do my inspection today and I'm now confused.

In my first super, on one frame there are sealed brood, including a supersedure cell and a swarm cell. I have a queen excluder on and there are only eggs on one frame. When an experienced beekeeper did an inspection with me when I first started, he did comment that my queen was quite small so I'm wondering if she can fit through the excluder.

In the brood box, there were also a number of swarm cells along the bottom of frames, including some sealed ones. The queen was present in the brood box and there were new eggs.

I don't really know what to do so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I've uploaded some pictures here


It happens. I have had large queens end up in the supers, reason, over time the excluder bends out of shape allowing the queen to get up there. Either remove the queen cells or use it for increase. If you don't remove the queen cells your queen could end up being superseded or she could swarm.
I have a nuc, but don't really want (and my other half won't let me have) another hive at the minute.

Do you mean destroy both the swarm cells and the supersedure cell?
I have a nuc, but don't really want (and my other half won't let me have) another hive at the minute.

Do you mean destroy both the swarm cells and the supersedure cell?

Yes, I would class them as both supersedure cells. If they want to swarm they would make more in the brood chamber.
They are all swarm cells ! Suggest you take out a nucleus with old queen now.

In the parent colony select the best unsealed cell and destroy the rest. Go back into it again in another 6 days and destroy any emergency cells (you may need to shake the bees off the combs to find them all. Alternatively note which cell (and its frame) you want to keep, destroy any sealed cells and the ones in the super but leave the unsealed ones in the brood chamber and then 6 days later destroy every queen cell except the one you selected (they make less emergency cells this way)
I have to agree. You need to split them. If you don't you certainly will have just the one colony just severely depleted and with no laying queen. Tell OH the split is temporary as you will be reuniting in the autumn.
I agree with Briarfield you can't just keep one hive unless you have a week close by with a few hives who will help you out when in need.

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