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House Bee
Mar 3, 2013
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What month would you first start feeding syrup?
The beekeeping year does not necessarily start on NYD!
Some might not feed any sugar all year round - me, per eg, last year.
A good answer might be 'if/when they need it.
Hi Jeff, as o9o said there isn't really a beekeeping Calendar, there are approx times of year when you might consider doing certain things, depending on many things.
When I might Feed syrup falls into a few occasions during the year, when I can't say right now other than they are seasonal and dependent on the colonies needs.
Pre winter feeding if required which usually occurs late summer but only whilst temperature is still high enough.
Spring build up if required which would happen when the temperature is high enough for them to process it, but lots of pitfalls with this one, the bees need space to expand for instance so pointless filling it all with food and of course you don't want it in your honey crop being just 2 of many.
The next being to feed hungry bees, typically a swarm a few days after they have been housed or a split which can't necessarily forage for themselves, or of course during bad weather or breaks in available forage.
Also syrup can be fed when you want them to produce wax, draw foundation, build comb etc.
For now keep hefting and ensure they have sufficient stores to get to spring. When the time is right in spring your first quick look to assess what you have will tell you when the time to feed syrup is, or isn't. Fine balance spring feeding.
Good luck, the above works for me and my bees but other views will be along soon.

Oh to answer your question..... Feb, March, April, May, if required and depending on weather and space and colony size and .............
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I feed SOME syrup in September after I have taken off honey but I leave them some of their own and trust in the abundance of ivy here to bulk up the winter stores.
They get syrup if I am doing a comb change maybe in late March or early April or if I do a shook swarm.

If there is a real dearth in June (the so called June Gap) they may get some if they need it.

Apart from that they don't get any.
Some people think that a dilute syrup in the Spring encourages brood production but I'm not sure it does. There is quite a bit of argument about this on the forum. To my mind brood needs pollen and if that is not about no amount of sugar will make the bees brood

Some beekeepers give a very dilute feed in early Spring as a way of getting water to the bees. I don't as the hives are near a pond and my bees help themselves.
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Hi Jeff,
I take it you mean for spring build up? Last year I could not be bothered to faff around with syrup. Had fondant on till apple blossom came out. Mind they were busy collecting water, but my colonies were strong enough to do it. This year it may all be different, but that is beekeeping! It is kind of wait and see what nature throws at them for me before I decide on any action!
Cheers thanks for the replies.

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