Suspect Queenless

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House Bee
Nov 5, 2013
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Hive Type
Why would a queenless hive not build queen cells when given a frame of eggs?
About 3 weeks and have had 2 frames of eggs and still no QC. Lots of bees but no brood. We have had bad weather for a number of days just seems too long without any evidence of a queen. Have a nuc I could combine them with but wanted to make sure there wasn't a queen lurking somewhere all attempts to identify this have pointed towards a queen being present but haven't been able to find her.
About 3 weeks and have had 2 frames of eggs and still no QC. Lots of bees but no brood. We have had bad weather for a number of days just seems too long without any evidence of a queen. Have a nuc I could combine them with but wanted to make sure there wasn't a queen lurking somewhere all attempts to identify this have pointed towards a queen being present but haven't been able to find her.

Possibly a unmated virgin or a small badly mated queen. They can take much longer than your patience to start laying...if they ever do.
Thanks for the replies, just checking I wasn't missing anything.
Thanks for the replies, just checking I wasn't missing anything.
IF you must know for sure sift all bees through a QE.
It is not something tho' I could recommend doing willy nilly, like
just out of curiousity.
