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Queen Bee
Dec 13, 2009
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I've been stung a fair few times over the years but recently when I get stung I become incredibly itchy all over my body, hands feet, tingly lips. Feel shivery and strange. Does anyone else experience this?
I've been stung a fair few times over the years but recently when I get stung I become incredibly itchy all over my body, hands feet, tingly lips. Feel shivery and strange. Does anyone else experience this?

I would say, seek medical advice. In the past I found it was a case of where I got stung produced different reactions. But getting stung 30 times from one angry hive I became wheezy.
i have always been under the impression that individuals react differentlly to stings, much like in the way people react to allergys. I had a couple of stings that did nothing more than look or feel like a nettle sting. I think if you have more extreme symptoms you should really see a doctor for advice
Sounds to me like the early stages of sensitisation to bee venom. A lady at our apiary had the same, then bad reaction to stings, A&E and two years desensitisation. Now fully recovered and still bee keeping.

See a doctor PDQ.
I would take as many precautions as possible to make sure I didn't get stung. No one here will be able to say for certain that you are safe or not. I think I would make sure I was not alone when inspecting bees of I got that sort of reaction. I used to get bad itching and bad swelling of the limb I got stung on until I was stung fifty or so time when I knocked several hives over. Suddenly all was well and I get little reaction at all now. Ironically my bees are so quiet they never sting me now though so maybe they know i don't react!
Are you on any meds at the moment? that may be part of the problem but it sounds like you have an issue happening there from where I went with my stings.

Can you have someone with you the next few times you do the bees, at least until your stung a couple more times, better to be safe.
Thank you for your thoughts. I was stung again recently tidying up some long grass in front of the entrance. I got very itchy and hot everywhere and had palpitations so I’d better seek medical help before next season.
Thank you for your thoughts. I was stung again recently tidying up some long grass in front of the entrance. I got very itchy and hot everywhere and had palpitations so I’d better seek medical help before next season.

I had exactly that a while ago, my wife rang the emergency service and they scaled it down for a nurse to ring back. Basically I was told the critical period is the first half hour, I am alive and lucid. If I have further problems to contact them. I have been alright ever since and try and get stung at least 20 times a year.
I had a very bad reaction after having 3 stings on my right wrist in Sept. 2016. Wife made a 999 call and I was taken (eventually) to A&E...within 10mins of stings I had a severe rash on both forearms and chest, but only a slight prob with breathing.. .. Had a follow up appointment today in Allergy clinic....had interesting conversation with the consultant..long story, but they are sure the severe allergic reaction was caused by the side effects of two of the meds I have to take...Bisoprolol for heart problem, which they cant replace (the tablet ....not the heart) ,and Lansoprazole, a antacid/protein pump inhibitor.... they have changed this to Ranitidine..... 7 days after the "bad" sting I had another sting only 2cm from the other sting with only a slight reaction and minimal swelling.

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