Spring treatment?

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Drone Bee
Jun 8, 2020
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Anyone going to use oxalic acid to vape their colonies this time of the year? I treated in August, then Nov/Dec. Is it worth doing it again just before they start to really expand the brood, or leave it for August?
I don't spring treat as often it may be too soon or cold to disrupt a colony to take a bee sample to sugar roll , the window then can be small before the early flows start from then on in I monitor with the odd sugar role to assess any mite load. Should mite load be deemed greater then the predicited 3% then I will oa treat for a brood cycle, either place newspaper between brood and supers to vape or simply remove supers during each vape then replace .
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Shouldn't the question should be whether treatment is needed, and if so what is the most appropriate substance and method? I understand varroa may be endemic but has testing for it become old fashioned?
I guess at this time of the year testing is a bit challenging other than by giving a OS blast and checking the drops?
Shouldn't the question should be whether treatment is needed, and if so what is the most appropriate substance and method? I understand varroa may be endemic but has testing for it become old fashioned?
I don't test for it usually treat August and Dec. How do you test?
I don't treat in spring but maybe I should?
I just thought by treating with oxalic will put the varroa on the back foot going into spring!!!!
I just thought by treating with oxalic will put the varroa on the back foot going into spring!!!!
If the varroa were hit hard in the Winter brood less period, I can’t see the need for another dose. I don’t suppose it will do any harm, but it seems unnecessary to me.
Anyone going to use oxalic acid to vape their colonies this time of the year? I treated in August, then Nov/Dec. Is it worth doing it again just before they start to really expand the brood, or leave it for August?

You may make a dust sugar test from your. But perhaps hives have started allready brooding.
A sugar roll gives the same result as an alc wash but the end result is the bees still live and no bees need to be sacrificed.

Sugar roll any more then three mites then treat, invest in a reusable Abelo 4 in 1 test kit.

If vaping one can opt for a one off vape to check mite load after 24hrs or one has to cover a full brood cycle so four vapes again. If they have had a winter vape early to mid Dec then they shoul dbe a good position regarding mites.
Once spring is here and the forage is good , I select a nice warmish day and all colonies get a sugar roll. Simply dissolve the remnant sugar in abit of water and count any mites.
The Abelo cup has a fill line for the bees so one doesn't go too mad by over filling.
I use and older honey bucket to shake the bees from the comb into to collect my cup of bees.
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I don't test for it usually treat August and Dec. How do you test?
Surprised people are even mentioning alcohol wash or sugar shake tests at this time of year. LEAVE THEM BE. Wait till colony is building well (May?) before you sacrifice or torment 300 bees.

Over the winter you've only got the number of mites dropping through a mesh floor to guide you. People will say that mite drop is unreliable but what choice do you have. Last year, by the end of March I had one hive with 18 varroa dropping out per day, measured over 4 days (end of February 3v/day). Bit alarming. The other 5 hives showed no varroa after the same December OAD. (This one bad colony was treated differently in autumn but i don't want to confuse things)

Treated this one colony with Apivar for 4ish weeks before they needed a super. First time I've treated in spring. (Gave the colony to a friend so don't have any update.) I don't use OAV.
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