Soft Set

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New Bee
Aug 20, 2017
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I'm thinking of having a go at making some soft set honey. I've read about using 10% of seeded to the main batch (2lb of seeded to 20lb honey) but was wondering how accurate it needs to be for success. Is there a measure of lee way or must it be totally accurate? I suppose the quality of the seed needs to be good stuff?
I suppose the quality of the seed needs to be good stuff?
The finer the seed, the smoother the end result - if your seed jar of choice has got a noticeably grainy texture, then best to dust off the mortar and pestle and smooth it out a bit :eek: You'd only need to do it once, as next time you'll be using a few jars from the previous batch...
A good seed to start you off is Gales Spreadable. You need only one jar to seed a small amount which you then use to seed a bigger bucket. Keep a litre or so back to use as seed for next year, then the same for a year after. In my experience you can only do that twice as the honey does get grainier and I have to make new seed every three years
A good seed to start you off is Gales Spreadable. You need only one jar to seed a small amount which you then use to seed a bigger bucket. Keep a litre or so back to use as seed for next year, then the same for a year after. In my experience you can only do that twice as the honey does get grainier and I have to make new seed every three years
The finer the seed, the smoother the end result - if your seed jar of choice has got a noticeably grainy texture, then best to dust off the mortar and pestle and smooth it out a bit :eek: You'd only need to do it once, as next time you'll be using a few jars from the previous batch...

I've got hold of a smooth one, or at least I think so, less muscle power required!
A good seed to start you off is Gales Spreadable. You need only one jar to seed a small amount which you then use to seed a bigger bucket. Keep a litre or so back to use as seed for next year, then the same for a year after. In my experience you can only do that twice as the honey does get grainier and I have to make new seed every three years

Cheers, I'll keep some back.
Went to a major supermarket last night and there were quite a few honey choices; but upon a closer look, only two.
There was Littleover apiary honeys or “honeys from a non Eu source, packed in the UK”
Pretty poor really.
If you have some OSR honey then that is generally used as the seed.
If it is entirely OSR honey there is no need to seed it at all.
DICE method is easy.

No exact measurement required, the more seed honey used the quicker it does the job.

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