Soft Manky Beeswax Polish problem

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Drone Bee
Jan 3, 2015
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North Yorkshire
Hive Type
I've been making beeswax polish for a few years now and never experienced a problem before.

Ran out of my last batch of turpentine (source not remembered) so bought some more off flea bay (see threads on this topic for details), Rustins pure Turpentine, even says on the bottle that it can be used for making beeswax polish. Rustins is the brand of turps that both Thornes and Wyn Jones sell.

Using my usual recipe that has always given me a nice firm set polish that gives a wonderful shine on wood . Only this time it didn't was like a very soft manky cream, totally unfit for purpose. Figured I must have weighed the wax wrongly, remelted and added more wax.....this time it set in wrinkles and still very soft and non useable.

Anyone else ever had this experience when making beeswax with Rustins Turpentine or any other for that matter.

I'm perplexed. My only thoughts are that given the price of pure turps these days there may be some adulterated stuff out there, bit like Manuka honey.

I'd appreciate any input before I go out and buy any more of the stuff.
Did you add a small amount of Carnauba wax to your mixture? Helps to harden it up - but don't add too much.
Yes I do. It's a simple recipe I've been using for a few years and this is the first time it's ever let me down (120gms bees wax, 12 gms Carnauba , 250 mls of turps). Usually sets firm (not hard) and easy to use. This stuff was very soft and manky looking. Still polishes up a treat but not something I would sell. Itt's more like a cream.
The only difference that I can see was I used a different batch of turpentine (NOT substitute).
Back of my mind was whether the turps had been adulterated in some way, although it came in a branded bottle.
It's got me stumped as to what happened.
All other things being equal, it sounds like you got a duff batch from fleabay. That or your weighing scales have developed a fault.
Does nobody else watch the "big bang theory" on TV?

The op should be..."beeswax polish problem"
When I worked in the aromatherapy industry, many items were not as one might expect. Cutting with cheaper components was the norm. Don't suppose it was confined to just one area of the chemicals industry.

I might be sending Rustins a sample and asking their opinion. They would certainly be able to tell easily if it contained other components (boiling point, refractive index, glc, etc.). If their problem they would come clean, and if not they would not want their name and reputation besmirched.
Nope, bees wax fine , made by our own bees.....and used in the past.
Would have considered sending Turps to rustins, but used all of container which was thrown out.

I'll try again when I've some more turps from a different source.
TIs a mystery.

Have you used it for polish successfully before?

Has it been stored properly especially as it sounds like it was the end of what you had.

If no no or no yes - could it be bootleg turps! - at 30 odd quid a can its worth counterfeiting
If yes no (or no no)- might it be contaminated? - though not sure with what - I think the properties do change with age.
If yes yes - its a mystery - scales? dementure? :spy:
..... Still polishes up a treat but not something I would sell. It's more like a cream.

That's defeatist ... I'm a wood turner and I have bought and have made beeswax cream polish .. much better to use when polishing woodturnings .. apply it with a soft lint free cloth, let it dry and then either buff the turned piece on the lathe or on a buffing wheel. Works a treat and much better than the Carnauba sticks favoured by some turners ... granted it's not as hard as a Carnauba finish but I think it looks more natural.

So .. what you have there is 'Special Woodturners Polish' ... I sell mine for £5 for a 75ml plastic seal type pot ... lasts a long time so people think it's a bargain .. I add a little lavender oil to it which gives it another bit of je ne sais quoi ... smells exactly like the purple furniture polish my mum used to use when I was a kid in the 1950's ....

So .. A marketing opportunity for you - find your local woodturners association and stick an ad in their magazine ... or go and see them they will meet at least once a month.
TIs a mystery.

Have you used it for polish successfully before?

Has it been stored properly especially as it sounds like it was the end of what you had.

Yes it has been used successfully for polish in the past. Not sure how one stores beeswax properly, but 1oz filtered blocks sealed in polythene bags inside sealed polypropylene boxes is how we keep ours. Not more than a couple of years old, although I have plenty of newer stuff to play with.
Scales are accurate enough and checked by making second batch with double check on weights....still same result.
My betting is on the Turps perhaps not being what it said on the bottle.....
That's defeatist ... I'm a wood turner and I have bought and have made beeswax cream polish ..
So .. what you have there is 'Special Woodturners Polish' ... I sell mine for £5 for a 75ml plastic seal type pot ... lasts a long time so people think it's a bargain ..
So .. A marketing opportunity for you - find your local woodturners association and stick an ad in their magazine ... or go and see them they will meet at least once a month.

Nice thinking....waste not want not.....Just need some pots to scrape it into as it looks horrible in tins as a polish. No need to find woodturners anon....I'll just add it in as another range on my stall at Farmers markets.
What types of pots are you using?
Nice thinking....waste not want not.....Just need some pots to scrape it into as it looks horrible in tins as a polish. No need to find woodturners anon....I'll just add it in as another range on my stall at Farmers markets.
What types of pots are you using?

I picked mine up at a local store that sells plastic things of all types and sizes and they were a clearance line .. having measured one tonight I found that there was only 50ml in there where I had filled it although you could get 75ml if you filled it right to the brim .. but as mine never really hit the 'open market' not too worried .

These are very similar to the ones I've been using.

They do a whole variety of similar small jars .. you might try 10ml jars as 'testers' for £1 ...

Only difference is mine have a clip on lid rather than a screw lid but I think the screw lid looks better and provides a surface for a label on the top if you are doing a farmers market .. 'Turners deep shine beeswax wood polish' 'Specially formulated for those precious wooden items' ... there you are - all my secrets exposed for the beekeeping world to see.

I actually don't use turpentine in my formula but whatever you have used appears to have had the same result !!

You might find it looks better if you warm it till it can be poured (or at least dollopped - good yorkshire expression) in a double boiler with some very hot water in the outer vessel and then pour it into the tubs and let it set.
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