Royal Jelly Isn't What Makes a Queen Bee a Queen Bee.

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IT is said that worker larvae are fed with pollen. But how much you see poo and pollen granules in the poo, what a larva makes inside the cell, when larva empties its guy? .. Almost nothing.

Workers eate pollen and makes suitable aminoacid juice to the larvae. Pollen has much rubbish material which bees carry out from hive. A larva would be full of empty pollen cells if they eate really pollen.

During pupa formation stage a worker larva looses 30% out of its weigh during two weeks. Stuff is turned to heat.

What makes a larva to a Queen? Royal jelly. What else you should know about that? At least I cannot help if bees do not know how to do it.
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No explanation as to why workers can start laying eggs?

However will now be adding Tonka bean extract* to the Vimto in the queen rearing colonies!!!

Yeghes da

* Couramine?,,,, used to flavour Queen's Tarts ( A London thing)
It is said at the end:

"But now you can have a lot of fun telling people where their royal bee goobers came from.But now you can have a lot of fun telling people where their royal bee goobers came from.".
It is an interesting observation. In the paper they fed larvae with royal jelly plus p-coumaric acid (which is found in bee bread). The larvae end up with reduced ovaries and some of the known biochemical pathways specific to worker bee formation where up-regulated.
Not adding p-coumaric acid to royal jelly and they became normal queens.

Suggesting it's what you don't eat that makes you a queen.....although I doubt that is the full story, just their publicity grabbing interpretation of what might be simply part of the pathway of worker bee induction. Me thinks tis a small part of a much bigger picture.

It's also a classic example of scientific experiments throwing out the unexpected....they where researching detoxification pathways and this strange result caught their attention......
......yup, as I thought, only part of the story.
I reckon the first group are not developmental biologists and so went for sensationalism......although Wang's lot with royal jelly and stem cell renewal may make a killing in the health shops....
It's not simple understanding how queen bees differentiate differently to worker bees.......

What might make a more sense is that the stuff in bee bread is to ensure worker bees develop as worker bees.
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It explains why if you graft a larvae older than 3 days old you don't get a queen. The default caste is fertile female as you would expect as social bees evolved out of solitary ones.