queen cell in third super up

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Queen Bee
Mar 4, 2011
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Putting a clearer board on the top super of three supers today. Checked frames to make sure they were all capped and right in the centre of one frame was a perfect, charged, queen cell. Not sure how it got there but it had to go as I wanted to clear the super and they wouldn't have left it. No other eggs! Everything as normal in the brood box. Always trying to confuse me!
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Putting a clearer board on the top super of three supers today. Checked frames to make sure they were all capped and right in the centre of one frame was a perfect, charged, queen cell. Not sure how it got there but it had to go as I wanted to clear the super and they wouldn't have left it. No other eggs! Everything as normal in the brood box. Always trying to confuse me!
It happens, the bees move eggs around, probably supercedure under way.
My gut feeling is that a play cup was made and a worker laid an egg in it, at which point nature took its course.

Putting a clearer board on the top super of three supers today. Checked frames to make sure they were all capped and right in the centre of one frame was a perfect, charged, queen cell. Not sure how it got there but it had to go as I wanted to clear the super and they wouldn't have left it. No other eggs! Everything as normal in the brood box. Always trying to confuse me!
You've been keeping bees for ages.
Is this the first time you have seen this?
Many years ago I used an excluder, well when I was harvesting I found a young queen with a bit of posture in the third and last half raise.
The excluder is between the brood chamber and the first rear.
Now the question I never knew the answer to. The queen was fertilized and therefore it was her laying or was it a virgin queen and the nurses would have carried each and every one of the eggs?

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