prime swarm

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dexter's shed

Field Bee
Mar 22, 2015
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I collected my second swarm in a week late on thursday night in a poly nuc, let them out on friday with the intention of closing them in again in the evening and taking them to my woodland, I had a rose hive I wanted to add them too, that has drawn out comb and lots of honey from last year, I placed the poly nuc in the position I had found for them, full morning sun not shaded by any trees, and a couple of hours later after letting them fly for a bit, made the transfer, shook the bees from national frames straight into the hive, the queen was spotted, and I then realised it was a prime swarm as she had just started laying, around 20 eggs were seen, too late to change my mind I caged her and got all the bees in, obviously she's older that 2015, but marked her blue anyway as It was all I had to hand, more for ID purposes, fingers crossed she carries on laying in the new hive

What an idyllic location - looks fabulous.

it is, thank you, stress and the rat race are left as you pass in the gate, that's the woods you can see on the hill to the right of my car

although we think of our honey as pollen collected from the woods and the wild flower meadow on our boundary, I spotted a field of OSR yesterday:hairpull: