Nuc question

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House Bee
Aug 15, 2010
Reaction score
Alpes Maritimes France
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Hi, I wonder if someone could advise me.
I captured a secondary swarm from my own bees last June. I captured them into a nuc.They filled the front half of 3/4 frames. They expanded somewhat to the end of the summer but seemed to be doing well. Now in Jan, I have not opened up yet to inspect but they are foraging and bringing in pollen. My question is when and how to put them into a full sized hive.

Do I simply move the frames from the Nuc into a full 10 framed box in the same position as the nuc. And do I do this only when they are say filling the 5 frames by say 70% of the frames.

Tank you for your help

A full box usually means one of three things can follow for the colony:

1) Contracts

20 It is restricted to that size

3) Swarming occurs

Your nucleus is no different from any of your other hives.

Just don't offer the whole new box at once.

Regards, RAB
Thanks Rab,

I don't think the Nuc is full yet (or up to the 7/10 rule)

but how do I Not offer the whole box at once

Do I block off a part of the new box so they get say 2/3 new frames

Thanks for your help

Yes you keep the new hive on the same location.

Yes build up the nuc to at least 70% if not more of each frame with brood.

I notice you say that you are moving them to a 10 frame hive so that might not be a National?

Put your nuc in the middle of the box with a foundation frame on each side, so now 7 frames and I (being a bit savage) would put one in the middle to make 8.

Dummy each side and if there is not a flow then give a light syrup feed 1:1

Stand back and watch them roll.

Thank you very much, wow I am excited now.
Hope weather will be nice and sunny next week to inspect ( temps ranging from 5 at night and 13 daytime in the shade)
Can't wait to see. And look into the others as well.
Thank you both so much it is wonderful to know there is someone there.
Waiting for them to roll

but how do I Not offer the whole box at once

As PH but I use dividers rather than dummy frames. Also I only use one. Can't see any advantage in having spaces both sides.

Regards, RAB
Yes you keep the new hive on the same location.

Put your nuc in the middle of the box with a foundation frame on each side, so now 7 frames and I (being a bit savage) would put one in the middle to make 8.


I have been told never in the middle as you can spit the colony in two , but to confine to one end and let them build outwards just the one way helps keeps them warmer as well

Yes you do get told that.

Another piece of nonsense that hangs around like a bad smell. Like you cannot work the brood box... lol

However I have been doing it for over 20 years and not split a colony yet.

Keep an eye on stores levels in the nuc from now one. As the colony expands the amount of space for food is reduced. The colonies I am feeding at the moment are all nucs and their stores took a hammering I think in the cold spell.
Thank you. Yes, I will.
I want to go in today but the sun has not come out.

anyway I will watch carefully and thank you for your help


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